10 Secrets About Free Financial Aid for College - Perfection Hangover (2024)

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By now, it’s well known that a college education can be worth over $1 million in extra earnings over a career. But did you know that you could receive thousands in free financial aid to help you finish a degree?

10 Secrets About Free Financial Aid for College - Perfection Hangover (1)

You could qualify for up to $6,195*. Tap here to visit MyDegree.com and get matched to schools in your area.

There’s no need to wait for an acceptance letter to start securing financial aid. In fact, we suggest you start exploring options ASAP. After all, you wouldn’t want to miss out on some of the golden opportunities for college money, would you?

Let’s look at 10 secrets about free financial aid for college:

Secret #1: CompleteYour FAFSA Early and Often

Unlike in recent years, you can now start completing yourFree Application for Federal Student Aid earlier than ever before. And sincefinancial aid is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, you maximize yourchances by getting it done early.

Click here to get matched to a school in your area and discuss qualifying for aid with a representative.

As another advantage, given that FAFSA factors in your tax returns, you might benefit from completing your application as early as possible.

Depending on your financial situation and how your circ*mstances have changed over the past year or two, it could mean a big difference in your final award amount.

FAFSA is the first step in determining your qualification status for financial aid provided by the US government.

Through FAFSA, over $150 billion has been awarded to students in the form of grants, loans, and work-study arrangements.

Your school will be able to use the information from your FAFSA to put together your financial aid offer.

The next few secrets all hinge on the completion of yourFAFSA, so make it a priority!

Secret #2: Federal Pell Grants – Visit MyDegree.com for more information

This is the largest educational funding program provided by the US government. It can be applied for Bachelor’s, Masters, or other professional degrees.

Even vocational schools or certain job training programs may be eligible for Pell Grant funding. As of this writing, you could receive up to $6,195 toward your college expenses, if you qualify.

Best of all, this money doesn’t have to cover tuition only – it can be used on many other categories, including living expenses, transportation costs, dependent care, or other miscellaneous personal expenses. You can see what all is covered on the Student Aid site.

Secret #3: The FederalSupplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Under the FSEOG program,undergraduate college students with exceptional financial need are awardedmoney which they do not need to pay back. To satisfy its requirements,applicants must:

  • Have a valid SSN assigned only to legal U.S. citizens
  • Fill out theFAFSAform, which puts them in the running for all federal student aid programs
  • Provide proof of substantial financial need
  • Pick an accredited college/school to apply to

Theamount of money in the FSEOG program, unlike the Pell Grant, is limited andvaries on a school to school basis.

As a tip, list several schools and not just one when applying for FSEOG. Here’s why: if approved, you will get a letter from different institutions with different FSEOG amounts.

Multiple choices mean you will have some wiggle room for negotiations.

Let’s say your first choice intends to award you with a lower FSEOG, you can then leverage a higher number from a different letter to help get it increased.

Secret #4: TEACHGrants for Those With Education Focus

Anacronym for the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education,this grant program targets those students who plan to enter an education careerand begin teaching for a period of 4 years.

You canchoose whether you want to work at an elementary school, middle school, highschool, or an educational agency facility that caters to low-income families.

Before you can receive a TEACH grant, you must first complete the initial and subsequent counseling process, as well as an Agreement to Serve.

Keep in mind that these steps are repeated for every year you wish to receive a TEACH grant.

Secret #5: The Iraqand Afghanistan Service Grant for Children of our Nation’s Heroes

If you have a parent or guardian who died in military service related to US conflicts in the Middle East (specifically, Iraq or Afghanistan) after September 11, 2001, you may be eligible for the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant funding.

Note that you must have been under the age of 24 or enrolled in a college or career school at least part-time at the time of your parent or guardian’s death, to qualify.

Be sure to check out other programs to get money for school in light of you or your family’s military service.

Secret #6: Take Stepsto Optimize Your EFC Calculation

Regardless of what you’ve heard or read, you are never truly out of the running for financial aid. Instead of asking where the income cutoff for financial aid is, get creative!

Some programs may have criteria to meet, but there is no cutoff point for education funding! How do you figure that, you ask? Well, like this!

4 main factors make up the EFC:

  • Family size
  • Assets
  • Number of offspring in college
  • Total income

What does this mean? If any of these factors change, yourresulting EFC will too.

Moreover, if you’re applying to an expensive college, theEFC becomes much higher. So, you may still qualify for aid whereas you mightnot with a less expensive college.

When you fill out the FAFSA/CSS Profile forms, you must declare specificassets. If you or your parents’ asset load is high, you may not qualify forfinancial aid. The secret here lies in looking for ways that can help you tweakthe total.

One way to do this is by accelerating the spending on necessary expenses. Say, your roof is leaking and needs major repairs quickly.

Pay to have this repaired prior to filling out your scholarship forms. Any expenses that your family needs to satisfy, even new cars or a house, will assist in load-shifting.

Consider some other tasks to take care of:

  1. Paying for an SAT or ACT test prep class
  2. Buying a computer for schoolwork
  3. Getting a dorm refrigerator, couch, or microwave
  4. Spending on a car that you can commute to college in

The logic behind this move is that certain pieces of personal property like cars, furniture, computers, books, appliances, boats, and clothing don’t have to be reported as assets on the FAFSA form.

If you make these purchases before you apply for financial aid, you may reduce reportable assets. That, in turn, decreases the EFC.

The same is true for any home maintenance expenses you carry out. FAFSA has nothing to do with your family’s principal residence and its net worth.

Another idea here would be to make a charitable contribution.

Secret #7: Think Twice About Working on Campus

10 Secrets About Free Financial Aid for College - Perfection Hangover (2)

Work-Study programs are operated by the federal government to help students earn money or offset costs for school.

This may seem like an attractive option and some students may consider getting an on-campus job, like Resident Advisor.

Along with the pay, employment often comes with free room and/or board as well. While this may be a good step towards maturity, be aware of some unintended consequences.

Any financial aid awarded to you that factors in the EFC or is loan-based, will look at the income of all household members.

Thus, accepting a position like this, could alter your total university bill. For instance, some programs will count the money earned through work-study and use it to decrease the awarded aid amount students had received before.

The money you earn won’t help you if it’s added to your EFC.This is seen as your need for financial aid as not being too serious and maykeep you from qualifying for certain programs.

Secret #8: Know What Factors Impact Your Financial Aid Qualifications

10 Secrets About Free Financial Aid for College - Perfection Hangover (3)

An on-campus job isn’t the only thing that can affect your qualifications for financial aid.

There are others, and consulting a financial aid expert or the financial aid offices at your school, are two great resources that can help you better understand them all.

In any case, you can ask them to guide you towards how a sponsor would calculate EFC, as well as clarify and identify any financial aid myths. Consider these examples that frequently confuse funding applicants:

  • Home equity does not end up on the list of assets – This is true. Along with the assets of businesses with fewer than 100 employees, the value of your primary residence is not a factor.
  • A retirement account does not end up on the list of assets – The account balance is not factored, however, future contributions are. If you or your parents contribute to a 401k at work, or other retirement accounts like an IRA, the money already in those accounts cannot be touched. They do not factor into your list of assets. BUT, if you plan on contributing, for example, $5,000 of income the following year, your calculation will still reflect that amount as an asset since it’s not already in the account.
  • Only 20% of a student’s assets will be considered available – If you are a dependent student or an independent student with no children or dependents of your own, this is true. However, if you have children or dependents of your own, this rate can be lower.
  • The percentage is 5.6% for the assets of a parent – Again, this can vary based on your unique situation.

Likewise, should your grandparents want to help you out withtuition, there is a smart way of doing that. If they issue a loan to you ratherthan cash, it won’t count as a gift. Thus, it won’t affect your EFC.

Secret #9: Target the Right Schools

10 Secrets About Free Financial Aid for College - Perfection Hangover (4)

The most selective colleges will have strict conditions fortheir applicant pools. Yes, they’re offering merit-based aid as an incentivebut, what are you bringing to the pool to be considered?

For example, if you apply to a highly selective school andare currently ranked within the 75th percentile for GPA/class rank/ACT/SATscores, you may only end up ranking within the 25th percentile among otherapplicants due to their GPA/class rank/ACT/SAT scores, having a higher average.

Thus, getting into such a school will only be possible ifyou possess some other rarer, more valuable skill. That makes thingschallenging when the cost of attendance is in the $70,000 range.

Now, if you turn your attention to another school that isn’t quite as selective, you may be exactly the kind of applicant that school is looking for.

They may even be willing to be more generous with their merit aid packages to lure you away from competitors.

Secret # 10: It’s AllAbout “Location, Location, Location”

Most brick-and-mortar colleges envision their student body being made up of people from all over.

They sincerely believe that bringing students together from all over the country will lead to a more rich, diverse college experience for everyone.

However, there is also a need for these institutions ofhigher learning to be able to boast about diversity. Who wouldn’t want to printthat information on all of their flyers? But, what does this mean for you?

It gives you the edge you need to benefit from an admissions standpoint.

For example, a college in Pennsylvania only has two students from out-of-state in their freshman class.

That college and others may prioritize your out-of-state application – whether on a merit or financial aid basis – all in the name of geographic diversity.

Remote spots, such as Idaho, Montana, or North Dakota, will have a chance to send their students to more populated state colleges.

So, if you hail from a similar region, you may be able to expect help in both admissions and financial aid processes.

Therefore, don’t forget to include your geographic desirability onto the list of merit aid award-winning factors. Then, target schools far away from home to parley it into success.

With these free financial aid secrets, you are now prepared to make better choices for yourself and your future.

Remember, the sooner you start looking for options, and the more planning you put into the process, the better!

An easy way to begin is by calling that counselor as it is likely time for a sit-down. MyDegree.com is also an excellent aid in finding the best fit for you and providing financial aid guidance.

Don’t fret, take the time to understand all the myths and search out the money that’s out there just waiting for you!

10 Secrets About Free Financial Aid for College - Perfection Hangover (5)
10 Secrets About Free Financial Aid for College - Perfection Hangover (6)


Life is a collection of memories and experiences. There are ups and downs. I am so grateful for God’s grace and am on the journey to a renewed spirit, free of perfectionism. Perfection Hangover offers the sober truth – no filter.


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10 Secrets About Free Financial Aid for College - Perfection Hangover (2024)


What are 10 tips to make sure you get the most aid available to you? ›

How to Get the Most Financial Aid? 7 Tips to Maximize College Funding
  1. File forms as early as possible. ...
  2. Minimize student assets. ...
  3. Understand and utilize FAFSA strategies. ...
  4. Fill out FAFSA regardless of income. ...
  5. Prepare for merit-based aid possibilities. ...
  6. Consider even top-rated schools as options.
Jan 4, 2024

How to afford college without fafsa? ›

How to pay for college without financial aid from the federal government
  1. Address your eligibility.
  2. Consider filing a financial aid suspension appeal.
  3. Apply for grants and scholarships.
  4. Take out private student loans.
  5. Work your way through college.
  6. Ask for help.

What is the most attractive financial aid? ›

Grants and scholarships are the most desirable forms of financial aid because they come in the form of free money, often with no strings attached.

What are three facts about financial aid? ›

5 Facts Students Should Know about Financial Aid
  • Most financial aid requires filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). ...
  • Know and meet financial aid application deadlines. ...
  • Amend your information if your financial situation changes. ...
  • Don't rule out a college because you think it's too expensive.

How to beat the FAFSA? ›

Basic Principles
  1. Reducing income during the base years.
  2. Reducing “included” assets. ...
  3. Increasing the number of family members enrolled in college and pursuing a degree or certificate at the same time.

What not to include on FAFSA? ›

Assets don't include
  • the home in which you live;
  • UGMA and UTMA accounts for which you are the custodian, but not the owner;
  • the value of life insurance;
  • ABLE accounts; and.
  • retirement plans (401[k] plans, pension funds, annuities, non-education IRAs, Keogh plans, etc.).

How do middle class parents pay for college? ›

Financial aid can come from federal and state governments, colleges, and private organizations. Some help comes in the form of loans, which have to be paid back. Grants, scholarships and work-study programs do not have to be repaid. Broadly, there are two types of financial aid: need-based and merit.

What if my parents can't pay for college? ›

You have multiple options to consider, including federal financial aid, scholarships, grants, a job and student loans. Although paying for college by yourself is a huge financial undertaking, it's possible with enough research, hard work and planning.

What does Dave Ramsey say about paying for college? ›

Paying for a kid's college isn't a moral obligation, Ramsey wrote, but teaching your kids to always be learning (whether they go to college or not) is a parental duty.

How much is too rich for FAFSA? ›

There is no set income limit for eligibility to qualify for financial aid through. You'll need to fill out the FAFSA every year to see what you qualify for at your college. It's important to make sure you fill out the FAFSA as quickly as possible once it opens for the following school year.

What is considered a good financial aid package? ›

The average percentage of need that the school meets is 86 percent, which is very good. The average aid package is $29,916 for a school where tuition and room and board totals $40,580. The average need-based grant is $28,448.

What are the 2 best forms of financial aid for college? ›

Federal loans and grants are the two major types of federal financial aid students receive after filing the FAFSA. But they're not the only two. There are a few other types of financial aid you can utilize including work-study, state aid and institutional aid.

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Besides financial aid, you should also think about what you can do to lower your costs when you go to college.
  • Grants. ...
  • Scholarships. ...
  • Work-Study Jobs. ...
  • Loans. ...
  • Apply for Financial Aid. ...
  • Aid for Military Families. ...
  • Aid for International Study. ...
  • Aid and Other Resources From the Federal Government.

Can colleges see your financial aid history? ›

In the U.S., college financial aid administrators can see a student's federal student loan history using the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). They are required to check NSLDS to ensure that a student does not exceed the annual and aggregate loan limits.

What is the average FAFSA amount? ›

Federal Student Aid data shows that approximately 17.8 million FAFSAs were submitted during the 2020-21 application cycle. Over the last decade, the average grant aid per full-time undergraduate student has doubled, going from $5,190 in 2001 to $10,590 in 2021.

What are 3 types of aid to help for college? ›

Types of Financial Aid: Loans, Grants, and Work-Study Programs.

What 4 factors determine how much aid a student will receive? ›

The following are used to determine your eligibility: your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), your year in school, your enrollment status, and your cost of attendance. Learn more about the aid disbursem*nt process.

What are the 3 steps to getting financial aid? ›

Follow this simple step-by-step process to make sure you qualify for as much college financial aid as possible.
  1. Step 1: Apply for an FSA ID. ...
  2. Step 2: Submit the FAFSA. ...
  3. Step 3: Submit the CSS/PROFILE and other financial aid forms, if applicable. ...
  4. Step 4: Apply for scholarships. ...
  5. Step 5: Review your SAR.
Nov 3, 2022

What are 3 types of financial aid you could receive? ›

Types of Aid
  • Grants: Financial aid that generally doesn't have to be repaid.
  • Loans: Borrowed money for college or career school; your loans must be repaid with interest.
  • Work-Study: A federal work program through which undergraduates and graduate students at participating schools earn money to help pay for school.

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