8 Things Coaches Look for When Selecting their Team (2024)

8 Things Coaches Look for When Selecting their Team (1)

Photo Credit: Kevin Sousa Photography

For some players, tryouts are a nerve-wracking experience. There is pressure to perform well in a short amount of time to prove yourself to the coaches. By preparing and maintaining a good attitude, you can show the coaches what an ideal fit you make to a successful team.

Coming into tryouts well rested, ready to perform and to work hard will help you get ready off the ice. When you hit the ice, that is when the real test begins. Coaches have different ideas of what they are looking for in their team but keeping these tips in mind can help earn your spot on the roster.

This is the first article in a series that will include the perspective on how parents and players can prepare for tryouts. Here is our list of eight things coaches look for at tryouts:

1. Skill

The primary skill coaches look at is skating. If you can excel at starting and stopping, turning and crossovers well, the rest of the game comes easier. Good skaters will consistently win races to pucks, win battles in the corner and put themselves in the better positions. There isn’t a single hockey skill more important than skating. Puck control, passing and receiving, shooting as well as offensive and defensive tactics are the fundamentals of the game that all coaches will evaluate when selecting players for their team.

2. Attitude

Just because you were successful in making a team last year doesn’t guarantee your spot for the upcoming season. Nothing is secured and you need to prove yourself all over again. There will be new faces competing for a spot on the team who might want it more than what you are showing. Simply going through the motions won’t be enough. Show why you’ll be a good teammate – treat others with respect, work hard and help your teammates. Take feedback and use it to improve, this shows you’re coachable and eager to learn.

3. Get Back on Defence

Help your team by going all out on a back check. Don’t let the other side get easy offensive opportunities. If you’re lazy getting back on defence, coaches will notice and it also leaves your teammates out to dry. If you’re in position, you’ve got a much better chance at making the proper play or decision and it can lead to offensive transition opportunities.

4. Preparedness

Did you come to the rink ready to go, or did your skates need to be sharpened…or did you forget your jerseys….or are you missing a piece of equipment… Those distractions before a tryout will be enough to drive any coach crazy. Missing a portion of a tryout because of something that you weren’t prepared for is frustrating for everyone. Make sure you’re ready to go when you get to the rink anytime – not just at tryouts.

5. Character

This tells more about you than any skill you may demonstrate on the ice. Are you continuously pushing yourself and giving it your best effort? If you make a mistake, how do you react to it? When you make a mistake, do you give up? Grab another puck in the drill? Slam your stick on the ice? When you make a mistake, brush yourself off, learn from it, and keep playing! Realize you will make mistakes, don’t hold yourself to the impossible standard of being perfect, or you’ll never live up to your own expectations and you’ll always be frustrated! Frustrated players seldom perform well! Coaches understand that players will make mistakes when first learning new skills or concepts.

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6. Leadership

Will you step up and lead a drill? Help other players out? Or will you sneak to the back of the line so that the coaches won’t notice your mistakes? Everyone is a leader, but in different ways. If you’re a talker – talk. If you’re a worker – work. If you’re enthusiastic – be enthusiastic.

8 Things Coaches Look for When Selecting their Team (4)

Photo Credit: Kevin Sousa Photography

7. Follow the Drill

Pay attention when coaches are explaining drills. There’s nothing more frustrating than a player who is fourth in line and messes the drill up after the first three executed it without problem. That’s a lack of focus! Give a full effort in the drill whether you’re are first in the line or last.

8. Skating Hard

If you’re scrimmaging, don’t slowly wander your way to the bench. Skate hard from the time you set foot on the ice until you’re back on the bench. The vast majority of players don’t do this…so if you’re one of the few that does, coaches will notice! This makes line changes easier and shows that you’re always giving a maximum effort.


TeamGenius is the leading hockey evaluation software provider for minor hockey associations. Founded in 2015, TeamGenius serves thousands of youth athletes, coaches, staff and volunteers with an easy-to-use platform for managing tryouts, clinics, coach & player development programs. TeamGenius is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information, visit teamgenius.com.

8 Things Coaches Look for When Selecting their Team (2024)


What coaches expect from players? ›

Cristi's team rules:
  • Player to coach communication. ...
  • Be ready to go at practice time. ...
  • Show effort and attitude. ...
  • Be Patient with your pace of progress. ...
  • Be accountable and responsible. ...
  • You can choose to be positive or poisonous. ...
  • Respect for the program and the team.
Jun 3, 2020

What do hockey coaches look for? ›

Quickness, agility, foot speed, and fast-twitch muscles are also part of a college hockey coach's speed calculation. Your height and weight can also help you catch a coach's eye but, more than size, your skating abilities will help you rank higher on a recruiting radar.

What do coaches look for in field hockey tryouts? ›

Coaches will look at your ability to handle hard passes, lifts, hits, slaps, dribble, and how well you pass. Focus on having strong fundamentals and always give it your all. Make sure you are dressed to play.

What hockey scouts look for in a player? ›

It's a question every serious hockey player will ask as he or she approaches Bantam and beyond. Scouts rate players in five main categories: skating, size, game sense, character and skill.

What are coaches looking for? ›

12 Things All College Coaches Want in a Recruit
  • Athleticism: First and foremost, you must have the skills to play in college. ...
  • Solid academics: You must prove that you can thrive in an academic setting. ...
  • Good Character: ...
  • Work Ethic: ...
  • Team Player: ...
  • Hustle: ...
  • Sports IQ: ...
  • Maturity:
Mar 22, 2020

How do coaches select players? ›

Coaches will look at their mental and psychological make-up, their mental ability to quickly and correctly read and assess situations, their motivational drive and will power, their self-confidence and emotional stability.

What coaches look for in recruiting? ›

What do college coaches look for when recruiting?
  • Athletic ability is usually the most important factor, even when college coaches won't admit it. ...
  • Academics are very important, too. ...
  • Character is more important than most athletes and families think. ...
  • Location can also play a role in recruiting.

What athletes look for in a coach? ›

A good coach is positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, focused, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, observant, respectful, patient and a clear communicator.

How do you stand out in hockey tryouts? ›

Take these 10 tips to ensure tryouts are both fun and successful for all parties involved.
  1. Get a good night's sleep. ...
  2. Eat healthy and stay hydrated. ...
  3. Be prepared. ...
  4. Be a good listener. ...
  5. Ask questions. ...
  6. Don't goof off. ...
  7. The coaches want the best players. ...
  8. Leave it on the ice.
Oct 1, 2012

What are D1 coaches looking for? ›

D1 coaches cared more about athleticism, height/weight, and speed than other coaches. Those are generally characteristics of developmental players. D1 coaches are the most likely to take a player with the raw skill set and try to turn him into a great football player.

How do you stand out to coaches at tryouts? ›

The Secret to Being a Stand-Out at Tryouts
  1. Be prepared: Lots of times coaches will request you to do something prior to the first tryout. ...
  2. Arrive early: ...
  3. Be in shape: ...
  4. Do your homework: ...
  5. Focus especially on defense: ...
  6. Pay attention/eye contact: ...
  7. Communicate on the court: ...
  8. Ask questions:

What do D1 coaches look for in a player? ›

Top 10 Things College Coaches Look For In Recruits
  • When Do College Coaches Recruit? College coaches normally spend their off-season actively recruiting young athletes for their college sports programs. ...
  • Player Ambition. ...
  • Sports Knowledge. ...
  • Competitive Nature. ...
  • Athletic Hustle. ...
  • Great Work Ethic. ...
  • Strong Sense Of Maturity. ...
  • Honesty.
Aug 12, 2022

What do AAA coaches look for? ›

Puck control, passing and receiving, shooting as well as offensive and defensive tactics are the fundamentals of the game that all coaches will evaluate when selecting players for their team.

What scouts look for in a team? ›

Critical Tips For Scouting Your Opponents
  1. What defenses did they use in each quarter?
  2. What is their best defense?
  3. What defense do they use the most?
  4. Where do they start their pressure?
  5. How do they defend the wings?
  6. How do they defend the low post? ...
  7. How do they handle screens?

What do scouts look for in athletes? ›

According to Thrift, scouts often look for players who have a true love and passion for the game. These are the players who do whatever it takes to get on the team and play, including: spending long hours at practice. working on their skills off the court or field.

What leadership coaches look for? ›

Top 10 Coaching Topics for Midlevel Leaders (or senior managers):
  • Interpersonal relationships, listening skills, empathy.
  • Influence.
  • Communication skills.
  • Self-awareness.
  • Delegation, empowerment.
  • Building effective teams.
  • Motivation and engagement.
  • Working with uncertainty and ambiguity, decision skills.

What do sports coaches focus on? ›

A sports coach is an instructor who trains and motivates professional and amateur athletes. Sports coaches plan suitable training programmes to develop athletes' physical fitness and may offer psychological support to boost their performance.

What is the most important thing as a coach? ›

Effective communication

One of the most necessary effective coaching skills is communication. A great coach has great communication skills. They've invested in building rapport with their coachees as part of their coaching approach. They've found a way to use effective communication as part of their coaching technique.

Do coaches play favorites? ›

However, most people will probably find it surprising that many coaches will actually agree that they play favorites, though they might do it for different reasons than you'd think. Oftentimes, playing favorites simply means playing the athletes that are simply the most talented.

How do you tell if a coach is recruiting you? ›

How to know if a college coach is interested in you
  1. Recruiting questionnaires. ...
  2. Personalized camp invites. ...
  3. Emails from college coaches, recruiting coordinators or coaching staff. ...
  4. Social DMs. ...
  5. Phone calls or texts. ...
  6. In-person contact. ...
  7. Unofficial or official visit invites. ...
  8. Verbal offer.

Do coaches show favoritism? ›

Coaches are naturally drawn to the athletes that work extra hard and are looking to improve. Many people believe that coaches are blind to the favoritism they exude, however most coaches are aware of it and agree that they do play favorites.

What do you look for in a candidate while recruiting? ›

What is the most important skill that recruiters should look for in candidates? Excellent communication is one of the best qualities to look for in a potential candidate for any job. Candidates should be able to communicate well via email and calls to provide excellent customer service and interact with their teams.

What are the 7 qualities of an effective coach? ›

  • An effective coach is positive. ...
  • An effective coach is enthusiastic. ...
  • An effective coach is supportive. ...
  • An effective coach is trusting. ...
  • An effective coach is focused. ...
  • A good coach is goal-oriented. ...
  • An effective coach is observant. ...
  • A good coach is respectful.

What are the 5 characteristics of successful coaches? ›

The Five Characteristics of a Successful Coach
  • 1) Expertise.
  • 2) Enthusiasm.
  • 3) Curiosity.
  • 4) The Ability to connect with People.
  • 5) Presence.
  • Conclusion:
Feb 13, 2021

What are the 10 roles of a coach? ›

Consequently, the role of the coach will be many and varied, from instructor, assessor, friend, mentor, facilitator, chauffeur, demonstrator, adviser, supporter, fact finder, motivator, counselor, organizer, planner and the Fountain of all Knowledge.

How do you impress a coach? ›

13 Ways To Make A Good Impression On Your Coach
  1. 1-Be Early. Be on time or even early to training sessions and games. ...
  2. 2-Take Short Breaks. Be the first one back on the field after a water break. ...
  3. 3-Prepare. ...
  4. 4-Answer Questions. ...
  5. 5-Ask Questions. ...
  6. 6-Make Eye Contact. ...
  7. 7-Use What They Teach. ...
  8. 8-Hustle.
Aug 23, 2018

What is the best d1 hockey team? ›


How do you get noticed in hockey? ›

Building a resume with a ton of goals and assists certainly will get a player noticed and maybe even place him or her a step ahead of the competition when reaching out to a coach or scout. It's no different than those skilled plays that get a player's name circled when coaches see someone play in person.

How do you get D1 coaches attention? ›

Use social media to get recruited.

College coaches are using social media more and more to connect with recruits. A great way to get the attention of a college coach is by sending a direct message to their Twitter or Instagram account. Learn more about how athletes use social media for recruiting.

How do I get a D1 coach to notice me? ›

Reach Out To Coaches

One of the best ways to get noticed by college coaches is to reach out to them. Send an email introducing yourself and asking about the recruitment process. Your overall goal is to show how much of a quality athlete you are and what you can bring to a team.

What do college coaches want to hear? ›

College coaches want to hear everything they can about you and your athletic and academic abilities. With the recruiting process being so short, coaches want to learn as much about you as they can and as quickly as possible.

How do coaches deal with difficult players? ›

5 Tips for Dealing with Difficult Players
  1. Most athletes do their best to avoid being disruptive, but every coach has encountered their fair share of challenging players. ...
  2. Every player is unique—your behavior expectations shouldn't be. ...
  3. Reward good behavior with positive reinforcement. ...
  4. Don't forget about the parents.

How do I get closer to my coach? ›

The ability to create coach-team relationships is a unique skill that coaches must develop.
5 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship Between a Coach and an Athlete
  1. Communication. ...
  2. Positive Reinforcement. ...
  3. Genuine Interest. ...
  4. Availability. ...
  5. Trust.

How does a high school athlete get recruited? ›

Recruitment mainly the collaboration between high school and college coaches. Many recruiters visit games or invite students to various camps to see them in action. Students also send video tappings of games that display their talents. Another option is a “walk on”.

Do D1 teams hold tryouts? ›

While NCAA Division 1 and Division 2 programs are allowed to conduct basketball tryouts, Division 3 cannot do so. Tryouts are limited to prospective student-athletes who are seniors in high school, junior college transfers or four-year transfers who have completed their basketball season.

What should an athlete look for in a college? ›

Sports in College: Considering Athletics When Looking to Find a College
  • The amount of playing time you'll receive.
  • The opportunity to play your first year.
  • The commitment to your health and safety (quality of training and conditioning programs, medical insurance policies)
  • How well your style fits with the team's style.
Nov 29, 2017

What benefits do coaches get? ›

Benefits of Coaching for Individuals
  • Managers who work in this coaching way with their staff nearly always find that there is:
  • Improvement in individual overall performance.
  • Increased willingness to learn and develop new skills.
  • Increased ability to identify solutions to problems and work-related issues.

How do coaches pick their awards? ›

The Coaches Award is awarded for a season and offered to the player in each team who demonstrates the most growth/development, sportsmanship, leadership, punctuality and/or has positively contributed to building team spirit throughout the season, on and off-court.

What should a good team look like? ›

In high performing teams people trust one another, they agree on a common mission, everyone understands their role and responsibilities, they collaborate, they are flexible and they are committed to growing and developing.

What should I look for in a team member? ›

The 7 Characteristics of a Great Team Player
  • 1) They Understand Their Role. ...
  • 2) They Embrace Collaboration. ...
  • 3) They Hold Themselves Accountable. ...
  • 4) They Are Committed to Their Team. ...
  • 5) They Are Flexible. ...
  • 6) They Are Optimistic and Future-Focused. ...
  • 7) They Back Up Goals with Action.

What does a good team member look like? ›

Effective team players are accountable to themselves and to others. They take responsibility for their actions or mistakes and understand how their choices impact the team. Flexibility. Adapting to change is a critical part of a team's success.

Do d1 coaches use NCSA? ›

Some coaches log in to NCSA, while others talk to our coach relations teams or watch an athlete's NCSA highlight film. No matter the method, college coaches are using the NCSA Athletic Recruiting Network to discover, evaluate and eventually sign athletes.

What do scouts seek? ›

Soccer scouts look for technique, tactical awareness, physical attributes, competitiveness and good behaviour.

How do student-athletes get recruited? ›

Recruiting happens when a college employee or representative invites a high school student-athlete to play sports for their college. Recruiting can occur in many ways, such as face-to-face contact, phone calls or text messaging, through mailed or emailed material or through social media.

What are college coaches looking for in a player? ›

Solid Work Ethic

Show college coaches that you are motivated and resilient. While working hard on the field or court is important, it's critical to bring this drive into the classroom. Having good grades and test scores is something that is often overlooked, but plays a big role in being a well-rounded recruit.

What are the expectations of a player? ›

Player Expectations
  • Train and play to the best of my ability.
  • Have a positive attitude and never quit.
  • Win without boasting and exemplify sportsmanship.
  • Respect officials and accept their decisions without question.
  • Only give positive encouragement to fellow teammates.

What are coach expectations? ›

Expectations of Coaches

Develops positive rapport with athletic coaching staff, teachers and administration. Provides proper supervision of athletes. Competent and knowledgeable in rules, fundamentals, techniques, and strategy pertaining to the sport. Maintains individual and team discipline and control.

What do college coaches ask players? ›

Coaches will always ask about grades and test scores because they have serious implications on enrollment eligibility and even scholarship opportunities. In addition, coaches may ask questions that give them an indication as to whether or not the school itself might be the right fit for you.

What are the eight key expectations? ›

Some important skills that educators would like to see students develop are critical thinking, analytical reasoning, communication skills, personal responsibility, self-motivation, self-management, self-awareness, lifelong learning, emotional intelligence, and self-confidence.

What makes you a good team player *? ›

Effective team players are accountable to themselves and to others. They take responsibility for their actions or mistakes and understand how their choices impact the team. Flexibility. Adapting to change is a critical part of a team's success.

What are the good qualities of a good player? ›

Qualities of an Effective Team Player
  • Willing To Learn. Knowing things is not enough. ...
  • Always Ready to Give A Hand. Successful team players are always ready to give a hand and reach out to their members. ...
  • Shares Their Expertise. ...
  • Contribute Ideas. ...
  • Respectful To Others.

What are the 3 qualities of a coach? ›

Qualities of a great sports coach
  • Understanding the Sport. To be able to teach effectively, you must have in-depth understanding of the sport from the fundamental skills to advanced tactics and strategy. ...
  • Motivational skills. ...
  • Knowing the athlete. ...
  • Communication.

What are three important qualities that coaches need? ›

  • An effective coach is positive. ...
  • An effective coach is enthusiastic. ...
  • An effective coach is supportive. ...
  • An effective coach is trusting. ...
  • An effective coach is focused. ...
  • A good coach is goal-oriented. ...
  • An effective coach is observant. ...
  • A good coach is respectful.

What are your top 3 characteristics of a desired coach? ›

A good coach is positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, focused, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, observant, respectful, patient and a clear communicator.

Do college coaches play favorites? ›

However, most people will probably find it surprising that many coaches will actually agree that they play favorites, though they might do it for different reasons than you'd think. Oftentimes, playing favorites simply means playing the athletes that are simply the most talented.

How do you impress a college coach? ›

The best way to make sure you impress rather than depress a coach is to be prepared. Anticipate the questions he or she might ask, know a little bit about their program and be ready with your answers. College coaches want outgoing, confident players who will represent their program in a positive light.

What should you not say to a college coach? ›

12 phrases that college coaches hate to hear during the...
  • 1)"My grades are good. ...
  • 2) "When a coach tells me that a kid is a Division I scholarship guy, and it's November of his Senior year." - A college coach. ...
  • 3) "I'm pretty sure that I run about a 4.4 40" - A recruit.
Jun 6, 2016

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.