Holly P. (2024)


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 10
  • 2 Confessionals
    • 2.1 Season 10
    • 2.2 Season 11
    • 2.3 Season 12
  • 3 Commentary
    • 3.1 Season 10
    • 3.2 Season 11
    • 3.3 Season 12
  • 4 Office Visits
    • 4.1 Season 12
  • 5 End of Journey
    • 5.1 Season 12
  • 6 Other
    • 6.1 Season 10
    • 6.2 Season 11
    • 6.3 Season 12


Season 10[]


  • 18-years-old from Missouri. She saw the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders when she was very young, and decided she want to be like them. Growing up in a small town is difficult, since there’s not a local dance studio. The closest is two hours away, so she’d have to do her homework in the car. Everything’s on the line for her, going into finals. She feels like she’s been training for this moment, it’s finally here, and she’s ready. [She mentions it being a six-hour car drive to finals] She decided to resign from the team during the middle of season twelve after she was caught hanging around with many Dallas football players.


Total: 28

Season 10: 16 (T5th most)

Season 11: 3

Season 12: 9

Season 10[]


  • [Biography]
  • [Auditions] “My costume is very blingy, but you know what, the more bling the better, right?“
  • “It’s definitely more intimidating to watch the girls around me. It’s a reality check that you have to step up your game as well.“
  • “The whole process was so worth this moment, right here. And now I’m ready to work even harder.“


  • “Today definitely gives me an indication of where I am in my fitness. I feel like I’m in a very good point. But there’s always a point that you can exceed and get better.“
  • [Jay Johnson fitness session] “While I was running, I literally heard Jay’s voice in my head. He is telling you to go. He is telling you, “you can do it“.”
  • “I was second in the mile. Whoo!“
  • [Wins Jay's session] “I think I was in shock. I just smiled the whole time. I don’t even know if I said thank you. I was so like, 'Me?' But it was a great feeling to win.“


  • [Crying] “I’ve been working so hard, and I just am frustrated with my body, because I’m not going down. Being 18, it’s just like, 'Whaah', you know?“
  • [Makeovers] “I’m honestly open to anything. There’s nothing they could do that would shock me.“
  • [New hairdo] “I got a little zest right now. I’m a redhead. Redhead!“


  • [After making team - Meet the team event] “It’s definitely stressful, because I have costume changes. I have less than a minute and I just have to be ready and just… go!“
  • “I walked out there, and I was like, 'Oh my gosh! I’m so nervous!' And then the moment we went [makes movement] I was like, 'Alright, let’s do this'.”
  • “I think I had six total costume changes, but I made it. I was never late. I was just whoop, whoop, whoop!“
  • [Game Day] “This is the first game, and I’m so afraid. I don’t want to go out there and be that rookie that makes a mistake. I want to go out there and be world-class.“
  • [End of season retrospective with flashbacks] “Training camp was very difficult. I lost eight pounds. I just felt amazing. There’s no words that can explain how grateful I am for this opportunity.“

Season 11[]


  • “Last year I won Power Squad trophy, which was exciting. Now everyone’s like, ‘are you going to win again?’ I’m like ‘you never know.” There’s some fresh meat out there.“
  • [Part of Allie’s biography] “Last year it was a challenge coming from a high school dance team to NFL team. Love it in Dallas and happy to be DCC.“
  • [Joint confessional with Allie] Allie: “Holly and I met when she was 13 and I was 15-16./Holly: “I always looked up to her as mentor, so it’s definitely weird. Never had a sister, always wanted one. Feel like if she makes the team we’ll finally be sisters and united.“

Season 12[]


  • [After wardrobe malfunction, teary] “It’s definitely my worst nightmare. I felt awful. But at the same time, I felt disappointed in myself. Because I put myself up here [holds hand up high], and I felt like I just did that [holds hand down low]. So, it sucks. This is most definitely, 100%, the most embarrassing moment of my life.“
  • “I don’t give up. I come back stronger. I am about to kick as high as I ever have.“
  • [Makes it back to training camp] “Tonight, I go celebrate. Ahhh!! I’m so excited.“


  • [Before office] “So, I’m definitely caught off guard because I’m currently getting called into the office. I’ve actually never been called in before. Hey maybe it’s good for a little check-up. So, we’ll see what they have to say.“
  • [After office] “They didn’t say I was in trouble for weight. They just said that I looked a bit more bulky or square, so I’m just going to slim out, and it definitely lights a fire under my butt, so it was beneficial.“


  • “So, we have this super, super amazing appearance for Demi Lovato at a house, and we get to be a part of it.“
  • “Demi! Demi!“
  • [About Demi Lovato] “I feel like all of us actually can relate to her. We’re all world class performers. And she’s from Texas. So, it just comes to show you that with hard work and dedication you can really prosper anywhere.“
  • [After office visit] “I am definitely going down a slippery slope and it’s time to self-check. I definitely shouldn’t have, but it was fun. I was more in the moment, but then afterwards, it was ‘Why did I go out? Why did I do that?’ It was very scary to know that it could have been taken away. Because this is my everything. I would hope that my actions can be forgotten and hopefully I get to remain on the team. Because I do feel like I’m a good asset when it comes to dancing.“


Season 10[]


  • “Yeah, I’ll put “yes” on her appearance.“ – Kelli


  • “Wow! I hope they cut the hell out of your hair, and make it shorter, because you are so freaking sassy. You’re amazing. You are. You’re beautiful. You’re a rockstar.“ – Kitty Carter
  • “Holly just rocked my world.“ – Kitty
  • “She knows what she’s doing out there.“ – Neal McCoy
  • “Holly and her routine was a showstopper.“ – Kelli
  • “Holly’s kicks are pretty.“ – Kelli
  • [Finals judging] “Yes?“ – Kelli/“Double yes.“ – Neal McCoy/“She was the best of the day.“ – Charlotte/“Yeah, there’s a lot of checks and pluses.“ – Kelli


  • “Great job on style and choreography.“ – Kelli


  • “Great placement. Clean, nice style.“ – Kelli


  • “Why is Holly looking stocky all of a sudden?“ – Kelli
  • “Visually, I’ve seen weight gain, and I hope the scale will disagree with me, KaShara looks heavier, and rookie Holly.“ – Kelli
  • [After makeover] “Wow, it really makes her eyes pop.“ – Kelli


  • “I’m glad for Holly. She’s still grabbing me.“ – Kelli
  • “My favorite all-around is Holly. The pop that she adds just entices me to watch every move that she does.“ – Kitty Carter
  • “She could do show group by herself.“ – Kitty


  • “I thought Megan and Holly and Amy, they were just exceptional. And I’m very proud of them.“ – Kelli

Season 11[]


  • “She’s a ‘wow.’ She’s intense, she’s flirty. She is a true performer.“ – Kelli [about her solo]
  • “Effortless.“ – Kelli [about her kicks]


  • “Her routine left me speechless.“ – Kelli [awarding her a Barbie]


  • “Holly, you’re on a whole ‘nother level.“ – Michelle Keys


  • “Yes, girl.“ – Kitty Carter
  • “Holly is sexy as hell.“ – Kitty

Season 12[]


  • “A near flawless performer. She exudes showmanship, exudes style and confidence.“ – Kelli
  • [During solo] “Wow.“ – Kelli
  • [After wardrobe malfunction] “Whoops.“ – Charlotte/“She did what she had to do.“ – Kelli
  • “Unfortunately, Holly got sucker punched with a wardrobe malfunction.“ – Kelli
  • “We were cringing for her, but I think she handled it like a pro, which doesn’t surprise me, because Holly is a real performer.“ – Kelli
  • “Wow, Holly’s kicks.“/“Can Holly have any better kicks than that?“/“She’ll knock herself out in a minute.“


  • “Wow.“ – Kelli
  • “She knows exactly what she’s doing.“ – Anthony Ramos/“You’re right.“ – Kitty Carter/“She struts out there like…“ – Anthony/“Like a peaco*ck that’s going to deliver.“ – Kitty


  • “Great. Her freestyle, I saw another side of her.“ – Nick Florez/“Yeah, but you need to talk to her. She’s beefing up. She needs to go back to being lean again.“ – Kitty Carter/“Has she let off on the workouts?“ – Kelli/“No, she’s in the gym every other day.“ – Kitty/“Well, she might just need yoga or pilates. Things that lengthen you, not things that bulk you up.“ – Nick


  • [Confessional during Jenna’s office visit] “Ending Jenna or Holly’s career here is extreme, but we’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again.“ – Kelli
  • [Confessional before office visit] “I’m calling Holly in because she needs to know how we feel about this. Holly is making a mistake and we can’t afford to ignore it.“ – Kelli
  • [End of episode confessional] “Jenna and Holly have lost my trust right now.“ – Kelli
  • [End of episode confessional] “Do I think Holly can redeem herself? I’m not sure. Time will tell.“ – Kelli


  • [Start of episode confessional] Last week, we had a conversation with Holly about policy and protocol. [Flashback] Since we last spoke with Holly in my office, we have now accepted her letter of resignation. She’s a young girl, and sometimes people make bad choices, and that’s what happened here. I’m not looking to create some dramatic ending for Holly. I wish her well in life, but we are at such a critical time in our training camp that even an open spot on this roster can make a difference for somebody else. So, it was just the right thing to do. Holly is out. – K

Office Visits[]

Season 12[]


  • [Mid episode, 1st of 3] Kelli says technically, her dancing is spectacular, and she feels like they sometimes skirt pass that during rehearsals. She asks Holly if she’d be interested in sharing how she learned to do expressions, and Holly would love to. Kelli says the other thing is more sensitive. Everybody thinks she might be getting too bulked up, or whatever she’s doing. They need her to get back to “swimsuit land” [they show her a photo of her from the swimsuit shoot]. Holly says, they all have camp and she has no time to sleep, so she hasn’t been working out as much [she is slightly teary]. Kelli says she has to work out a lot more to stay fit. Holly starts crying and says the frustrating thing is her weight’s fine, and technically she’s under what she needs to be. Kelli says it’s not an issue, it’s just an observation, and they don’t want it to get out of hand.


  • [End of episode, 2nd of 2] Kelli asks her what part of their contract does she not understand about socialization and fraternization with players. Holly says that no, she understands it. Kelli asks if she upholds that, and Holly says she believes she does, and that she doesn’t talk to players. Kelli says there are repeated reports and the locker room talks about it. She asks Holly why she thinks the policy doesn’t apply to her. Holly says she doesn’t know what to say. She says they’re right that it does apply, and it’s not acceptable. Kelli asks why she would risk her job to socialize with players. Holly doesn’t want to risk this job, and she doesn’t think she’s broken the rule completely. She’s currently not talking to any player. Kelli hands her a list and asks her if she’s been to any of these clubs with players. Holly says not with players. Kelli asks if she’s been to those clubs, and Holly affirms. Kelli asks how old she is – Holly says 20, and that she realizes that is wrong, but she was with Jenna and not any players. She swears on her life that she was not there with any players. Kelli wonders how they will trust her now, because she doesn’t. Holly says that they are right – she has not been the best, and she needs to work on that, and that the part of the contract about no fraternization is right to be circled [gesturing to the contract in front of her]. She realizes she needs to change. Kelli says she doesn’t think she’s fulfilling her role as a veteran. Holly tears up and says no. Kelli says they have a very clear policy, and she’s a veteran and a veteran should be a leader. They’re splitting hairs about who to cut who’s wearing pink tops, while she’s blatantly violating their fraternization policy. Holly says it’s not acceptable, and she forgets that she’s here as a DCC. She feels she needs to be a woman, and she’s been acting as a childish little girl. From this moment on, that will change. Kelli says she’s disappointed, that Holly has lost their trust, and they need to be focused on other things. So, their choice is… do they cut her? [Commercial break] Holly says ‘no ma’am.’ Kelli asks what they do then, because it’s uncomfortable having someone on the team who they don’t trust, and she’s lost their trust. Holly asks if there’s a way she could earn it back. Kelli says the problem she’s having is that Holly making a mistake on her own is one thing. The example Holly leaves in her path is another. She’s concerned about that. Holly says she understands completely. Kelli asks Judy if she has anything to say, but she does not. Kelli wishes they weren’t having this conversation. She says Holly’s not going to go to Canton. She’s on shaved thin ice. If she’s seen or rumored to be seen or associated with a player, she’s off the team. Holly understands completely. She swears that will never happen again, and she hopes she can earn their trust, because this team means so much to her. And they are right, why would she jeopardize that? Kelli says she doesn’t know, and Holly says she doesn’t know either. She will never disappoint them again. It hurts and she’s sorry. [Holly leaves] Kelli tells Judy that she would have cut her tonight and probably should have. She’s just trying to hang onto one thread of an immature girl in a big, tempting world. She doesn’t trust either one of them, and Judy says neither does she. Kelli says she just doesn’t know what to think about Holly. Now it’s just a matter of whether or not they want her on the team.

End of Journey[]

Season 12[]


  • At the very start of the episode, Kelli reveals that Holly submitted a letter of resignation.


Season 10[]


  • She’s shown dancing on screen while they explain what as “yes” is for the “yes-no-maybe” grading system.


  • At panel interviews, she’s asked when she started dancing. She responds that she started at three in all styles/genres. She’s then asked if her hometown has a stoplight: they do not, but they have a stop sign. It doesn’t even have a grocery store or gas station.
  • She’s shown performing her solo in a segment where Kelli mentions some of the new girls having incredible talent.
  • She’s shown being invited to training camp.


  • She has a shot where Kyndall asks her about her living situation, and Holly says she’s living with her mom and little brother (who have come down).


  • At uniform fittings, she tells Kelli that her house is 200 years old, and was built by her great-great-great-grandfather.
  • She gets 70 push-ups in the 2-minute challenge.
  • She wins the Verandah Club spa massage at the Jay Johnson fitness challenge.
  • If you pause, you can see a list of the scores she received at auditions: she was ranked #19 and received 16 yeses.


  • Makeover glamour shot (before and after): changed to a red bob cut.


  • She’s shown doing a solo performance at show group auditions.
  • Shown being announced as a member of show group.


  • Her cameo photo above her locker is highlighted.

Season 11[]


  • Gets awarded a Barbie.


  • It's learned she's hosting Allie at her place.


  • Highlighted (by name) dancing for Kacey Musgraves at start of practice.


  • Announced as Show Group member.

Season 12[]


  • Solo performance is shown, and she has a wardrobe malfunction during it.
  • First person invited back to training camp.


  • Shown being announced as a member of show group.
Season 10 Rookie Class
Amy L., Amy T., Chantel, Claire, Elizabeth, Holly P., Jaclyn, KaShara, Kat, Megan C., Raylee, Robin, Simone, Stephanie

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Holly P. (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.