How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 21, 2024

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The main titles


The end credits


The special thanks


The logos


The exceptions


The tips


Here’s what else to consider

If you've ever watched a film until the end, you've probably noticed that there are a lot of names and roles that appear on the screen. These are the film credits, and they are an important way of acknowledging the people who contributed to the production of the film. But how do you decide who gets listed first, who gets listed last, and who gets left out? In this article, we'll explain some of the factors that influence the order of cast and crew listings in film credits.

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  • Jayne Chard Drama Producer | Film Production Specialist

    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (3) 9

  • AJ Mulley Production Supervisor at DNEG

    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (5) How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (6) 5

  • Morenikeji Onaderu Finance Professional(FCA)||Parenting Coach||TIBA 2023 Awardee|| -I provide skills and support to parents interested in…

    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (8) How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (9) 3

How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (10) How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (11) How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (12)

1 The main titles

The main titles are the credits that appear at the beginning of the film, usually over some footage or animation. They usually feature the most prominent names and roles, such as the director, the producer, the writer, the composer, and the main cast. The order of the main titles is often determined by contracts, negotiations, and industry conventions. For example, some actors may have a clause in their contract that gives them top billing, meaning they are listed first or alone. Other actors may have a "with" or "and" credit, meaning they are listed separately from the rest of the cast, usually near the end of the main titles. The director is usually the last name to appear in the main titles, as a way of highlighting their creative vision.

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  • Jayne Chard Drama Producer | Film Production Specialist
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    For a returning TV show, there will be an existing format. For a new show, the order is down to the Exec's and the Producer. Usually, this will be the main cast above the title, after the title/s, the producer, the writer and finally the director. In film, the Heads of Department and Exec's often also follow the title/s. With TV end credits, you usually list the cast in order of appearance and then each department is grouped together with the most senior person first. The penultimate card is the commissioners - often referred to as Executive Producers and then the Executive Producer who was involved in the actual production. The final card will be the logo of the production company and the broadcaster, with the date and copyright.


    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (21) 9

  • Amit Diwakar Video Editor || +80 Million views Generated || +2800 Projects Delivered || +5 Years Experience in Video Editing || Post Production || Convert Raw Videos Into $$$
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    The order of cast and crew listings in film credits often follows industry norms. For cast, it's typically arranged by prominence or contractual obligations, with lead actors listed first. Crew credits usually start with directors, followed by producers, editors, cinematographers, and then departments, often by hierarchy or contribution. Union requirements or specific contractual agreements can influence credit order, but ensuring fairness and recognizing key contributions remains pivotal in credit sequencing.


    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (30) 3

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    Film credits follow industry rules but can vary. Here are guidelines for cast and crew order:Cast Order:Lead Actors: Listed first, order based on star power, contracts, or alphabetical.Supporting Actors: Follow lead actors, order based on role importance, contracts, or alphabetical.Crew Order:Director: First in crew credits, crucial for the film's vision.Producers: Follow the director, order varies by involvement or titles.Screenwriters: Multiple writers listed by contribution, first credited often with major role.Cinematographer: Responsible for visuals, listed after producers and screenwriters.Production Designer, cinematographer.EditorCostume Designer, Composer, and Key Crew:

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2 The end credits

The end credits are the credits that appear at the end of the film, usually over a black background or some music. They usually feature the rest of the names and roles that were not included in the main titles, such as the supporting cast, the stunt performers, the visual effects artists, the camera operators, the editors, and so on. The order of the end credits is often determined by the hierarchy of departments, the importance of roles, and the alphabetical order of names. For example, the end credits usually start with the cast, followed by the director, the producer, the writer, and the composer. Then, each department is listed separately, such as art, sound, costume, makeup, etc. Within each department, the roles are listed from the most senior to the most junior, and within each role, the names are listed alphabetically.

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  • AJ Mulley Production Supervisor at DNEG
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    Through a combination of role seniority, time/prominence on project and significance of contribution - credit assignment and placement in VFX is a fragile and rigorous process. Alphabetical order is not necessarily followed. Math and weighting algorithms may be employed to dictate eligibility on a final credit list with too many contributors per allocated lines. A small percentage of credit lines are often reserved for the recognition of off-project overhead employees too.


    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (48) How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (49) 5

  • Lorenzo Harani Filmmaker | Writer
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    Assembling the end credits is a meticulous process governed by departmental hierarchy, role significance, and alphabetical order. Cast members lead the credits, followed by key creatives like the director, producer, writer, and composer. Each department is then systematically detailed, ensuring clarity and fairness. The meticulous arrangement reflects the collaborative effort behind the scenes.


    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (58) 2

  • Richard Schlesinger Producer-Writer
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    End credits are distinct from main titles, even when the main titles are on the back end of the movie. By DGA contract, the first below-the-line credits must be the UPM, the 1st AD and the 2nd AD. After that, usually the cast (not including cast with contractual main titles). After that, there is no rule for the order of departments. Generally when I have been tasked to do it, I try to keep camera and related together, art and related together, wardrobe, makeup, effects, locations, editorial, drivers, etc. I usually follow more or less the budget category by category.


    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (67) 2


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3 The special thanks

The special thanks are the credits that appear near the end of the end credits, usually after the disclaimer and before the logos. They usually feature the names of people or organizations that helped the production in some way, but were not directly involved in the film. For example, the special thanks may include the locations, the sponsors, the consultants, the mentors, the friends, and the family of the filmmakers. The order of the special thanks is often determined by the preference of the director or the producer, or by the relevance of the contribution. For example, some filmmakers may want to thank their mentors or their family first, while others may want to thank their sponsors or their locations first.

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  • Lorenzo Harani Filmmaker | Writer
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    The special thanks section, nestled towards the end, acknowledges external contributions. Its order is often a director or producer's subjective decision or guided by the relevance of each contribution. Whether it's locations, sponsors, mentors, or supportive friends and family, the special thanks credits are a personalized expression of gratitude, emphasizing the diverse support network that enriches the filmmaking journey.

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    Special thanks credits typically appear near the end of the end credits, after the disclaimer and before the logos. These credits acknowledge individuals or entities that contributed to the production in a non-direct manner. This section may include thanks to locations, sponsors, consultants, mentors, friends, and family of the filmmakers. The order of special thanks is often at the discretion of the director or producer, reflecting personal preferences or the perceived relevance of each contribution. Some may prioritize mentors or family, while others may prioritize sponsors or locations based on the impact of their support.


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4 The logos

The logos are the credits that appear at the very end of the end credits, usually after the special thanks and before the copyright notice. They usually feature the logos of the production companies, the distribution companies, the financing entities, and the guilds or associations that were involved in the film. The order of the logos is often determined by the contracts, the agreements, and the regulations that govern the film. For example, some production companies may have a deal with a distribution company that gives them the right to display their logo first or last. Some financing entities may have a requirement that their logo is displayed prominently or discreetly. Some guilds or associations may have a rule that their logo is displayed in a certain size or position.

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    Logos in film credits, typically found at the very end after special thanks and before the copyright notice, showcase the logos of production companies, distribution entities, financing entities, and relevant guilds or associations. The order of these logos is typically governed by contracts, agreements, and industry regulations. For instance, production companies may have distribution deals specifying logo placement. Financing entities may have requirements regarding logo prominence. Guilds or associations might dictate specific rules regarding the size or position of their logo. The precise arrangement adheres to contractual obligations and industry standards.

  • Fiyinfoluwa Awolalu Media and Technology
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    Logo appears at the ending, listing the brands sponsors or contributors sometimes might be for advert purpose These logo appears according to its contributions


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5 The exceptions

The exceptions are the credits that do not follow the usual order or format of the film credits, usually for artistic or legal reasons. They may appear in different places, such as the middle of the film, the end of the film, or after the end credits. They may also have different styles, such as animated, handwritten, or interactive. For example, some films may have a mid-credits scene that features some additional credits, such as a cameo, a teaser, or a joke. Some films may have a post-credits scene that features some hidden credits, such as a surprise, a twist, or a message. Some films may have a creative credits sequence that features some unique credits, such as a collage, a game, or a song.

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  • Morenikeji Onaderu Finance Professional(FCA)||Parenting Coach||TIBA 2023 Awardee|| -I provide skills and support to parents interested in creating a dynamic relationship with their children||Ghostwriter||
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    Exceptions can appear in different places in the films. Surprises and messages are part of it.Cameo are great to put as part of exception


    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (108) How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (109) 3

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    Exceptions in film credits deviate from the conventional order or format, often for artistic or legal reasons. They may appear in various locations like the middle or end of the film or after the end credits. These exceptions can manifest in different styles, such as animated, handwritten, or interactive credits. For instance, mid-credits scenes may include additional credits, cameos, teasers, or jokes. Post-credits scenes might feature hidden credits, surprises, twists, or messages. Some films employ a creative credits sequence, showcasing unique elements like collages, games, or songs. These exceptions add a layer of creativity and engagement to the traditional structure of film credits.


6 The tips

When determining the order of cast and crew listings in film credits, it's important to consider a few key factors: the purpose of the credits, the audience, and the budget. Are you aiming to inform, entertain, or impress? Are you looking to recognize, reward, or promote? Will your audience watch until the end or leave as soon as the film is over? Do you have enough money and time to include all names and roles? Are there any legal, ethical, or contractual obligations that must be followed? These are all questions to consider when creating film credits. Guidelines may vary depending on genre and context.

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    When arranging cast and crew listings in film credits, crucial considerations include the credits' purpose, target audience, and budget constraints. Determine if the goal is to inform, entertain, or impress the audience. Assess whether the audience is likely to stay until the end or leave immediately after the film concludes. Evaluate budgetary limitations regarding the inclusion of all names and roles. Additionally, address any legal, ethical, or contractual obligations that must be upheld. The answers to these questions guide the decision-making process, ensuring film credits align with the film's genre, context, and specific objectives.


    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (126) 1


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Zubair A. Indian Film Industry


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    The person in charge of the credits whether it's the Executive Producer or Associate Producer or anyone in that regards should strictly double check with the department supervisors about the crew list. It has been observed that due to casual double check procedures, a lot of crew members are missed out from the credit list and later when the affected parties realise that they haven't recieved the credits, it's obvious for these individuals to come out and talk about this mishap in the open which could be bad for the production overall. The major studios usually do not miss out on credits but if it's in the hand of external productiom houses, this issue has been observed and should be rectified.


    How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (135) 1

  • Marian Suah Content Creator||Public Health Practitioner||Actress||Movie Producer||
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    The order of cast and crew listings in film credits is determined by industry conventions and agreements. Lead actors receive top billing, followed by supporting actors based on their prominence. The director is listed after the cast, who plays a crucial role in shaping the film. Producers oversee the production process, followed by screenwriters, cinematographers, editors, production designers, costume designers, and other crew members. The order may vary depending on the film and contractual agreements. Some films may deviate from these conventions for creative or promotional reasons.


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How do you determine the order of cast and crew listings in film credits? (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.