How to Choose the Right Strategy for Long-Term Investing (2024)

With countless options, choosing the right long-term investment strategy in crypto can be overwhelming. Get it right, and you could retire rich. Mess it up, and your future is at risk. Discover how to select the ideal long-term plan tailored to your goals in this comprehensive guide.

The crypto market keeps growing and attracting more interest. This leads many people to consider long-term crypto investment strategies. If you want to learn how to approach crypto investing for the long run, here are some useful tips.

If you're thinking about getting into cryptocurrencies with an eye on the future, it's all about picking your digital assets carefully and holding onto them through thick and thin. Forget about quick flips and short-term gains; long-term investing strategies are for those ready to buckle in for the long haul, aiming to see their patience pay off with impressive returns down the road.

In this article, we'll break down how holding onto crypto could be a smart move for your overall investment plan. We'll look at different strategies, what long-term crypto opportunities are up for grabs, and figure out the smartest way to invest in crypto given today's market.

What Is Personal Investing?

Managing your money, along with saving and investing, all falls under the umbrella of personal finance. This field encompasses the entire gamut of financial services available to individuals and families, as well as guidance on where to put their money to work.

Your own financial goals and dreams, coupled with a strategy to achieve them within your means, play a crucial role in shaping how you handle your finances. Being financially literate is crucial; it empowers you to sift through advice, separating the wheat from the chaff, and to make smart money moves.

At the heart of financial planning are your investment choices. These might range from the stock market with its shares and bonds to traditional savings accounts, and from tangible assets like gold and property to collectibles such as antiques.

Over the past several years, there's been a notable shift in investor sentiment, with many now turning to cryptocurrency as their go-to investment choice for hefty returns. This shift is, in no small part, due to the leaps and bounds made in blockchain and fintech, which are drawing more investors towards crypto. With all that in mind, it's important to remember that investing in cryptocurrency, much like any other investment, carries its share of risks. There have been stories of both dramatic gains and losses. As with any investment venture, the key is finding a strategy that fits your financial goals.

We want to help steer you towards smart choices. We'll share links to extra educational materials from our blog too, so you have the knowledge to make informed decisions on your path to success.

What Is an Investment Strategy?

Your crypto investment strategy should map out how to invest in digital money based on your financial aims, how much risk you can stomach, and timeline. It lays out how to spread funds across different crypto to maximize returns without taking on too much exposure. The goal is to line up your crypto investments with the bigger picture of your money situation and goals.

Long Term vs Short Term Investment Strategies

With the variety of crypto investment strategies available, it's helpful to first grasp the key differences between long-term and short-term approaches. This understanding can then inform whether you want to pursue a more focused strategy or hybrid approach. The major distinctions between long-term and short-term provide a solid basis for strategic crypto investing decisions.

  • With long-term crypto strategies, you're investing for the long haul — years down the road. The focus is on overall growth potential tied to innovation, adoption, etc. Tactics involve buying and holding, staking, or investing in projects you think will succeed in the future. You can stomach volatility and tax rates are typically lower.
  • Short-term approaches aim to profit from price changes over days or weeks. Tactics include trading, scalping, arbitrage. You need active management and risk control. Gains are taxed at higher short-term rates.

Big differences come down to views on volatility, time commitment, analysis methods, and emotional stress involved.

What Other Types of Investment Strategies Are There?

Below, you’ll find more crypto investing strategies. Please keep in mind that each approach has upsides and downsides. It's key to pick strategies matched to your financial goals and risk tolerance. Staying on top of crypto trends, regulations and innovations helps make informed choices:

  • Long-term holding (HODL): This approach involves acquiring digital currencies and keeping them for the long haul, undeterred by short-term market swings, in anticipation of substantial value growth over time.
  • Regular interval investing (Dollar-Cost Averaging, DCA): This method consists of consistently investing a predetermined sum of money into an asset at set intervals to mitigate the effects of price volatility on the total investment.
  • Asset allocation (diversification): By spreading investments across a range of digital assets, investors can distribute their exposure to risk, potentially safeguarding against significant losses if a single asset underperforms.
  • Frequent buying and selling (active trading): Engaging in swift and regular transactions, such as day trading, swing trading, or scalping, aims to take advantage of short-term market dynamics and price shifts.
  • Crypto staking and liquidity mining: By committing their digital currency to support a blockchain network or to supply liquidity to DeFi platforms, investors may receive rewards.
  • In-depth project evaluation (fundamental analysis): This technique involves assessing digital currencies based on their foundational technology, practical applications, and potential for future expansion to guide investment choices.
  • Market trend analysis (technical analysis): This strategy uses statistical analysis of market activity, like price changes and trading volumes, to forecast potential future pricing trends in the crypto market.
  • Early project participation (ICOs and token sales): Investors may choose to invest in new cryptocurrency ventures at an early stage through ICOs or token sales, hoping that the project thrives and the tokens' value climbs.
  • Algorithmic trading (automated trading bots): Implementing software that automatically carries out trades based on specific parameters can allow investors to seize market possibilities round-the-clock without constant personal oversight.

What Long-Term Investing Strategies Are There?

Coming up, we're going to explore various long-term cryptocurrency strategies, building on the ones we've covered before and throwing some new ideas into the mix.

HODL (Hold on for Dear Life)

The HODL method is a long-term investment strategy, where you purchase cryptocurrency and maintain your position through market ups and downs. The underlying principle is that the value of a robust cryptocurrency will appreciate significantly over the years. Patience and confidence in the chosen cryptocurrency's technology and future are essential for this tactic.

Steps to effectively HODL cryptocurrency:

  • Begin by gaining a solid understanding of cryptocurrency basics. While BTC and ETH are well-known, there are various other options, each with distinct purposes and technologies.
  • Research and evaluate various cryptocurrencies, focusing on their practical utility, underlying technology, and potential for future growth. Prioritize projects with strong foundations and vibrant communities.
  • Diversify your holdings to mitigate risk. Spreading your investments can protect your portfolio from the volatility of any single cryptocurrency.
  • Invest an amount you can afford to lose, ensuring it doesn't disrupt your financial security or emotional well-being.
  • Stay current with market trends, technological breakthroughs, and news concerning your investments.
  • Use secure storage solutions for your cryptocurrency, such as hardware wallets or trusted software wallets, to safeguard against digital threats.
  • Remain committed to your long-term investment strategy, barring any major shifts in your cryptocurrency's fundamental value.
  • Periodically evaluate your holdings to confirm that they are still in line with your long-term objectives.

Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)

DCA is an investment approach where you consistently invest a fixed sum of money over time, irrespective of the asset's price. This method allows you to build up your cryptocurrency holdings gradually, taking advantage of both market peaks and troughs, and dampens the effects of short-term volatility.

Steps to implement DCA in cryptocurrency:

  • Decide on an investment amount that you're comfortable contributing on a consistent schedule, such as $500 monthly.
  • Choose one or more cryptocurrencies you believe in or have researched, like the ADA or SOL.
  • Set up a DCA plan on a cryptocurrency exchange or platform such as Bitsgap that fully automates the process for you.
  • Your designated investment amount will be used to purchase your chosen cryptocurrency at the current market price regularly, allowing you to accumulate fractions of the cryptocurrency over time.

Staking and Yield Farming

Staking is the process of holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the functionality of a blockchain network, earning rewards in the process. Yield farming is a method of earning more cryptocurrency by lending or providing liquidity in DeFi protocols. Recent data suggests that staking, with significant funds locked in mechanisms like Ethereum 2.0, and yield farming are increasingly popular for passive income generation.

How to Engage in Staking and Yield Farming:

  • Choose a cryptocurrency that is compatible with staking and engage with platforms that support yield farming.
  • Sign up with a reliable exchange that offers staking and yield farming services, and set up a secure wallet that is compatible with your chosen cryptocurrency.
  • Deposit your cryptocurrency into your wallet and follow the platform's guidelines to initiate staking. For example, you might stake ETH on Ethereum 2.0.
  • For yield farming, transfer your cryptocurrency to the appropriate platform and use their mechanisms to contribute liquidity, earning you extra tokens or interest.
  • Monitor your staked and yield-farmed assets routinely and consider reinvesting your earnings to benefit from compound interest.

Bitcoin ETF Strategy

A Bitcoin ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) provides a way for investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin's price movements without directly purchasing or holding the cryptocurrency itself. ETFs are investment funds traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks. A Bitcoin ETF tracks the price of Bitcoin, allowing investors to buy and sell shares of the ETF through traditional brokerage accounts. This approach is ideal for those who prefer a regulated investment vehicle and wish to avoid dealing with the technical challenges of buying, storing, and securing Bitcoin.

Steps to Invest in Bitcoin ETFs:

  • Research Bitcoin ETFs: Start by investigating available Bitcoin ETFs, their performance history, management fees, and how closely they've tracked the price of Bitcoin.
  • Select a brokerage: Choose a brokerage firm that offers the trading of the Bitcoin ETF you've selected. Ensure that the brokerage is reputable and that you're comfortable with their trading platform, fees, and customer service.
  • Open a brokerage account: If you don’t already have one, open a brokerage account. You'll typically need to provide personal identification and financial information during this process.
  • Deposit funds: Fund your brokerage account with the amount of money you intend to invest in the Bitcoin ETF.
  • Place an order: Once your account is funded, you can place an order to buy shares of the Bitcoin ETF. You can specify the number of shares or the amount of money you want to invest.
  • Monitor your investment: Keep track of your Bitcoin ETF investment as you would with any other investment. This means following the price of Bitcoin, staying informed about developments in the cryptocurrency space, and understanding how such changes might impact the ETF.
  • Review and rebalance: Regularly review your investment portfolio. If your Bitcoin ETF represents a significant portion of your investment portfolio, you may want to consider rebalancing to maintain your desired level of risk exposure.
  • Consider tax implications: Be aware of the tax implications associated with trading ETFs. Depending on your country's regulations, you may be liable for capital gains taxes on any profits made from selling the ETF shares.

It’s important to understand that while a Bitcoin ETF mitigates some risks, it does not eliminate the volatility inherent in Bitcoin's price.

What’s the Best Investment Strategy?

Finding the right crypto investment strategy is pretty personal. It all boils down to what you're aiming for, how much risk you can stomach, how long you're willing to wait, and how clued up you are about the crypto scene.

It looks like a lot of folks are just hanging onto their coins these days, and maybe they're onto something. I mean, think about those legends who once forked 10 bitcoins for a pizza — they had to have a hunch that bitcoin was going big. And now? The market vibe is positive, with a wide array of predictions about bitcoin's value soaring — some even talking the heights of half a million dollars in the coming years.

Honestly, no one knows for sure. For now, sitting tight on your bitcoins might just be the right move. Who knows, play your cards right and you could be sipping co*cktails on your own slice of paradise before you know it.

What Are the Best Investments Now in Crypto?

Navigating cryptocurrencies can be daunting for newcomers, with thousands of options from Bitcoin and Ethereum to Dogecoin and Tether. It's a volatile crypto universe out there. A straightforward approach might be to start with the big names—those cryptocurrencies sitting at the top of the market cap charts. This means you'll be looking at major players like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Solana, Binance Coin, and Ripple. But beyond these giants lie other fascinating projects worthy of attention, and you're in luck because our blog features a deep dive into some of these coins. Feel free to explore our articles for more insights:

  1. Interesting Blockchain Projects for Investment in 2024
  2. New Projects and ICOs: How to Research and Invest
  3. DeFi Lending Tokens You Should Know About
  4. Trade, Hold, Prosper: BNB, KCS, CRO


Adding cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to your investment mix could enhance diversification, especially since they've typically moved independently from the U.S. stock market. If you're of the mindset that crypto will only grow more mainstream, then purchasing some as part of a well-rounded portfolio could be a smart move. Just make sure you have a solid reason for investing in each cryptocurrency you choose, one that convinces you it's built for longevity. With thorough research and a commitment to understanding the crypto space, you can incorporate this asset class into your portfolio while keeping an eye on risk.

For those who prefer to steer clear of the daily trading hustle, there are long-term investment tactics like holding, staking, yield farming, using dollar-cost averaging, and investing in bitcoin ETFs that might better suit a more patient approach. Plus, there's always the option to simplify your strategy with tools like Bitsgap, which allow you to automate parts of the investment process. Give it a shot by signing up for a seven-day free trial of the PRO plan, where you can set up to 275 bots to trade a variety of coins for you. Give it a go — you might find it so useful that you'll want to continue with a paid subscription.

Start Trading on Bitsgap

How to Choose the Right Strategy for Long-Term Investing (2024)


Which strategy is best for long term investment? ›

Five principles for a long-term investment strategy
  1. Match your investments to your goals. ...
  2. Spread your 'eggs' among multiple baskets. ...
  3. Don't try timing the market. ...
  4. Set up a purchase plan–and stick with it. ...
  5. Keep tabs on your progress.

How do I choose the right investment strategy? ›

To know the right allocation strategy for you, you need to understand your tolerance for risk. If temporary losses keep you awake at night, concentrate on lower-risk options like bonds. If you can weather setbacks in the pursuit of aggressive long-term growth, go for stocks. Neither is an all-or-nothing decision.

How to choose the right stocks for long term investment? ›

Another way to pick stocks for long-term investments is to look for companies that regularly pay out dividends to shareholders. Generally, established companies with years of experience in the market tend to pay dividends more generously because they are stabler than companies in the growth phase.

What are the keys to making a good long term investment decision? ›

6 key investment principles for long-term investors
  • Leverage the power of compound interest.
  • Use dollar-cost averaging.
  • Invest for the long term.
  • Take your risk tolerance level into account.
  • Benefit from diversification and strategic asset allocation.
  • Review and rebalance your portfolio regularly.

What is the best form of long term investment? ›

That would be real estate, with 36% of respondents pointing to that old pillar of the American Dream as the best place to invest their money, the polling organization found in its annual economy and personal finance survey. Stocks ranked second, with 22% rating it as the best choice for returns over time.

Which investment is best for long term? ›

Best Long-Term Investment Options
  • PPF (Public Provident Fund) and EPF (Employee Provident Fund): Features: ...
  • Stocks: Features: ...
  • Mutual Funds: Features: ...
  • Real Estate: Features: ...
  • Bonds: Features: ...
  • Gold: Features: ...
  • ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Plans): Features: ...
  • Equity Funds: Features:

How do I choose the right investment options? ›

Decide whether you want income or growth (or both)

Your broad objective surrounding whether you are investing for income or growth is going to influence what you select too. Some funds are designed to provide a steady income, which can be particularly useful for those in retirement.

What is Warren Buffett's investment strategy? ›

Warren Buffett's investment strategy has remained relatively consistent over the decades, centered around the principle of value investing. This approach involves finding undervalued companies with strong potential for growth and investing in them for the long term.

What is the best stock strategy? ›

The buy and hold strategy is one of the most common and effective. It involves buying an individual stock and holding onto it for the foreseeable future. The idea is the value of the stock will grow steadily over time, and if you can resist selling it too early, you could hold a lot of value in the future.

How do I choose the right stock to invest in? ›

Stock selection doesn't have to be difficult, but you do need to be flexible. Look for markets that are moving but also be willing to hold off on a trade if the indicators aren't conveying a compelling setup. Consider going short as well as long. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you need to be disciplined.

How do I find the best long term investment company? ›

Several factors can affect the best long-term stocks in India. These factors affecting the long term investment in share market include: Financial Performance: Evaluate the company's revenue growth trends, profitability metrics like net income and operating margins, and cash flow to ensure a healthy business.

How to understand a stock for long term investment? ›

6 Key Signs a Stock Is a Good Long-Term Investment
  1. Consistent Growth. ...
  2. High Return on Equity. ...
  3. Low Debt Levels. ...
  4. Solid Management. ...
  5. Rising Dividends. ...
  6. A Portfolio of In-Demand Products. ...
  7. The Bottom Line.
Oct 11, 2023

What are 3 considerations when choosing an investment strategy? ›

The proper asset allocation for your situation may differ. In applying any one of the profiles to your individual situation, you also should consider your other assets, income, and investments (including home equity, savings accounts, and other retirement plans), as well as your needs, goals and aversion to risk.

How do you create a long term investment strategy? ›

To sum it all up: Know what you're investing for, know the limits of your financial comfort zone, spread your financial prospects into different baskets, question your investment ideas and approaches every now and then, and don't let fluctuations distract you from your long-term investing goals.

What is the key to long term investment? ›

Know Your Time Horizon

No matter what the goal, the key to all long-term investing is understanding your time horizon, or how many years before you need the money. Typically, long-term investing means five years or more, but there's no firm definition.

Which analysis is best for long term investment? ›

Fundamental analysis is most often used when determining the quality of long-term investments in a wide array of securities and markets, while technical analysis is used more in the review of short-term investment decisions such as the active trading of stocks.

Where to get 10 percent return on investment? ›

Investments That Can Potentially Return 10% or More
  • Growth Stocks. Growth stocks represent companies expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Junk Bonds. ...
  • Index Funds and ETFs. ...
  • Options Trading. ...
  • Private Credit.

What is the safest form of long term investment? ›

The 10 best long-term investments
  • Bond funds.
  • Dividend stocks.
  • Value stocks.
  • Target-date funds.
  • Real estate.
  • Small-cap stocks.
  • Robo-advisor portfolio.
  • Roth IRA.

Which technique is long term investment? ›

There are different strategies for long-term investing. The buy and hold technique refers to buying stock and holding on to it for an extended period in the hope of riding through the lows in the market and profiting from the general upward trend of the market over a long period of time.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.