Identifying and Addressing Employee Turnover Issues (2024)

High employee turnover can have a severe impact on your business, both financially and emotionally. If you suspect that turnover is an issue for your business, you should take steps to recognize possible causes of turnover, measure your turnover rate, determine turnover costs, and then address your turnover problems.

A high employee turnover rate, the rate at which employees leave a business, can affect the bottom line of businesses of all sizes. However, the negative effect on small businesses can be particularly harsh due to limited resources and the investment in employees. Because employees who are satisfied with their jobs generally don't give them up, high turnover is usually indicative of a problem.

That's not to say that every employee who leaves your company is unsatisfied — after all, some will retire, leave town, quit because of family circ*mstances, desire to change professions, or even start a business of their own. But if you have a lot of turnover and you're losing good employees, you may want to give some thought to the possibility that the cause of high employee turnover in your business is a morale problem.

Causes of High Turnover

The causes of turnover are related to the same factors that contribute toabsenteeism— if workers are not interested in their jobs, they will either stay away or leave.

But being unhappy in a job is not the only reason why people leave one employer for another. If the skills that they possess are in demand, they may be lured away by higher pay, better benefits, or better job growth potential. While you can't control what's happening with other companies, how much they pay, or which benefits they offer, you can take steps toimprove morale at your businessand make those employees who are with you happy and productive. That's why it's important to know and recognize the difference between employees who leave because they are unhappy and those who leave for other reasons.

The following are some of the more common reasons for high turnover in businesses:

  • A bad match between the employee's skills and the job.Employees who are placed in jobs that are too difficult for them or whose skills are underutilized may become discouraged and quit. Inadequate information about skill requirements that are needed to fill a job may result in the hiring of either underskilled or overqualified workers. The requirements of a specific job should be carefully studied for the required skills, and workers should be tested for the requisite qualifications. Usejob analysesandjob descriptionsto minimize the chances of this happening.
  • Substandard equipment, tools, or facilities.If working conditions are substandard or the workplace lacks important facilities such as proper lighting, furniture, restrooms and other health and safety provisions, employees will not be willing to put up with the inconvenience for long.
  • Lack of opportunity for advancement or growth.If the job is basically a dead-end proposition, this should be explained before hiring so as not to mislead the employee. The job should be described precisely, without raising false hopes for growth and advancement in the position.
  • Feelings of not being appreciated.Since employees generally want to do a good job, it follows that they also want to be appreciated and recognized for their work. Even the most seasoned employee needs to be told what he or she is doing right once in a while. Make sure your employees know that they are appreciated.
  • Inadequate or lackluster supervision and training.Employees need guidance and direction. New employees may need extra help in learning an unfamiliar job. Similarly, the absence of a training program may cause workers to fall behind in their level of performance and feel that their abilities are lacking.
  • Unequal or substandard wage structures.Inequity in pay structures or low pay are great causes of dissatisfaction and can drive some employees to quit. Again, a new worker may wonder why the person next to him is receiving a higher wage for what is perceived to be the same work. You should have awage and job evaluation systemin place not only so that you are sure to comply with legal requirements, but also to avoid this problem.

If you suspect that you have a either a turnover or a morale problem, look at your employees and ask yourself if any of the above apply.

Measuring and Preventing Turnover

While measuring turnover for large companies with many employees is usually more technical and the results more scientific, small businesses can also keep track of turnover and try to spot trends and potential problems.

A small business owner can follow these steps for tracking turnover:

  • Keep a list or file of employees that leave. In the file, include:
    • the length of time that the employee worked for you
    • the position that the employee held
    • the reason that the employee left (information from anexit interviewcan help here)
  • Over time, try to spot trends in turnover.
    • Are there positions that you have trouble keeping filled?
    • Do employees tend to stay for the same length of time before they leave your employ?
    • Do employees seem to be leaving for similar reasons (like receiving more pay or a more responsible position)?
  • If you suspect there is a problem with one or more positions, try to remedy or prevent the problem. It is sometimes possible to redesign a job by adding more attractive duties and reassigning some less desirable ones.
  • If you suspect that you're not paying enough,obtain informationabout what other businesses are paying for similar positions.
  • If you suspect that people are leaving because positions elsewhere allow them more growth, you can emphasize to future employees that the position has limited growth potential so that they know what to expect, or you can try to find ways to expand the responsibilities of the position.
  • If the problem seems to be with one specific position, look closely at the working conditions of that position. Were the employees in that position forced to adhere to impossible deadlines, given all the worst tasks, or forced to work with difficult customers or employees more than should be expected? There may be something specific about this position that is driving good employees away.

The Cost of Employee Turnover

When an employee leaves your business, it costs your company in:

  • Productivity.When the employee leaves,productivitywill usually take a downturn because other workers may have to add the former employee's duties to their own workload, at least temporarily.
  • Money.In addition to the monetary costs associated with lower productivity, you may have to pay employeesovertimeto get them to take up the slack left by the former employee until a replacement can be found. You may also have to faceunemployment claimsand pay for the cost of recruiting and hiring a replacement.
  • Time.Not only may you be distracted from your regular duties to cover for a former employee, but you will now have to spend time and money advertising, interviewing, and otherwise looking for a replacement employee. And don't forget the time that you spent training and hiring the former employee. When you lose a lot of employees, you're wasting time and money.

Once you find and hire a new employee, you will still experience flagging productivity while the employee learns his or her new job. Sometimes, depending on the job, temporary employees can pick up the slack.

In other words, it costs the business money every time an employee leaves because it takes even more resources to return to the same level of productivity or level of performance that you had before.

On the whole, you're going to want to prevent turnover as much as possible because of the high costs associated with it.

Preventing High Employee Turnover

If a business wants to ensure that employees remain with the business, it has to:

  • Identify the positive aspects of the business that make employees want to stay.
  • Emphasize those aspects.

Some internal factors that may influence your employees' desire to stay are:

  • desirable benefits
  • pleasant working conditions
  • opportunity for growth/advancement
  • pay
  • job security

In addition to the internal factors that make employees want to leave or stay, there are also outside factors that can influence your turnover. You can't do much about these factors but what you can do is try to make the job as desirable as possible to minimize the chance that external factors will lure your workers away.

To minimize unwanted turnover, give employees perks that are perceived by them as benefits that "make or break" a job. Trade on your strong points. Job perks like flexible hours or better-than-average benefits might keep employees in a job that they would otherwise leave. Attempt to make work fulfilling and rewarding for your employees.

Sometimes the jobs that you have may not be particularly exciting or offer a great potential for growth, but they are still important and must be done. So how can you handle this potentially sticky situation? Some possible options are tohire temporary employees, or to use part-time workerswho are simply looking for a low-effort paycheck.

Identifying and Addressing Employee Turnover Issues (2024)


How do you address employee turnover? ›

How to Reduce Employee Turnover – 12 Strategies that Work
  1. Carefully consider the hiring process. ...
  2. Make the hard choice on letting employees go. ...
  3. Keep compensation and benefits current. ...
  4. Encourage generosity and gratitude. ...
  5. Recognize and reward employees. ...
  6. Offer a flexible, healthy work life balance.
Oct 4, 2022

How do you identify employee turnover reasons? ›

7 common causes of high employee turnover
  1. Employees are overwhelmed by amount work. ...
  2. Lack of recognition. ...
  3. Company culture. ...
  4. Poor relationship with Manager. ...
  5. Lack of flexibility. ...
  6. Remuneration and benefits. ...
  7. Poor learning and development opportunities.

How do you answer turnover Questions? ›

If a candidate asks you about the turnover rate, try to give them a positive, honest answer. This may help them see how they will or won't be a good fit in the company.

What would you do to solve the problem we are having with employee turnover? ›

6 Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover
  1. Find the Right Talent. Every company has a different hiring process. ...
  2. Encourage Retention Early On. ...
  3. Recognize and Reward Employees. ...
  4. Identify a Clear Career Path. ...
  5. Encourage a Healthy Work-Life Balance. ...
  6. Create Learning and Development Programs.
Nov 19, 2019

How to reduce employee turnover answers? ›

How To Reduce Employee Turnover
  1. Hire The Right People. Keeping employees starts with hiring the right employees. ...
  2. Offer Competitive Pay And Benefits. People want to be compensated well. ...
  3. Give Praise. Your employees need encouragement and recognition. ...
  4. Show The Career Path. ...
  5. Allow Flexible Work Schedules.
Aug 9, 2017

How do you define employee turnover? ›

Employee turnover refers to the total number of workers who leave a company over a certain time period. It includes those who exit voluntarily as well as employees who are fired or laid off—that is, involuntary turnover.

How do you evaluate if turnover is a problem? ›

A general rule of thumb for determining whether your practice is experiencing high turnover is to look at the percentage of staff your practice turns over in a five-year period. In my experience, 15 percent staff turnover in five years is reasonable; 20 percent or more is considered high.

Why is it important to reduce employee turnover? ›

Reducing employee turnover should be a priority for any business. According to experts, it can cost twice an employee's salary to recruit, hire and train a replacement. Turnover can also damage morale among your remaining employees, decrease productivity and make it harder to acquire new talent.

How do you examine employee turnover? ›

Companies often measure employee turnover rate as a percentage. It's calculated by dividing the number of employees who leave in a year (or another time period) by the average number of employees at the organization during the same period.

What is the most effective solution to turnover? ›

Ten effective strategies to reduce employee turnover
  • Hire the right resources.
  • Allocate the right resource to the right job.
  • Optimize workforce utilization.
  • Minimize bench time.
  • Organize effective team-building activities.
  • Offer flexible work schedules.
  • Plan training & development programs.
  • Identify key performers.
Jan 27, 2021

Why employee turnover is a problem? ›

Turnover is a problem for businesses because it can lead to lost productivity, high recruitment and training costs, and decreased morale among remaining employees. And finally, high turnover rates can reflect negatively on businesses, making it difficult to attract and retain top talent.

What are the 3 types of turnover? ›

You can calculate involuntary turnover, voluntary turnover and total turnover. Example: Say you start off the year with 100 employees.

What is the first steps of improving company employee turnover rates? ›

The first step to lowering your employee turnover rate is to open a channel of communication with your workers. Encouraging honest feedback from your employees and then implementing changes based on the feedback is an excellent way to demonstrate that you care.

How can we reduce turnover and absenteeism? ›

5 Tips to Reduce Employee Turnover & Absenteeism
  1. Create flexible working hours. There's currently a lot of chatter about Millennials and how to manage them. ...
  2. Be consistent. ...
  3. Offer training. ...
  4. Incentivize results. ...
  5. Communicate!
Nov 16, 2017

How does employee turnover affect a company? ›

When employee turnover happens, companies may lose employee productivity, be forced to recruit new employees, suffer from lower morale, miss out on sales opportunities, and have to deal with additional expenses that could have been avoided if they had just held onto the employee in the first place.

What is turnover example? ›

For example, if the cost of sales each month is Rs 5,00,000 and you have Rs 1,00,000 in inventory, the turnover rate is five, meaning a business sells all of its stock five times each year.

What is another word for employee turnover? ›

Definition: Staff attrition refers to the loss of employees through a natural process, such as retirement, resignation, elimination of a position, personal health, or other similar reasons. With attrition, an employer will not fill the vacancy left by the former employee.

What are the factors affecting turnover? ›

Following are a few examples of such factors that can influence employee turnover intention:
  • Job Satisfaction. Perhaps the most significant factor in employee turnover is job satisfaction. ...
  • Colleague Relations. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Organizational Commitment. ...
  • Organizational Justice. ...
  • Organizatonal Politics. ...
  • Organizational Reputation.
Jan 31, 2022

Which is the most common reason for employee turnover? ›

What are the main causes of staff turnover? The four main causes of turnover are lack of growth and progression, inefficient management, inadequate compensation, and poor workplace culture. These reasons for staff leaving are present at many organizations around the world.

What is a good target for employee turnover? ›

Organizations should aim for 10% for an employee turnover rate, but most fall into the range of 12% to 20%. Certain industries report higher employee turnover rates due to the nature of the job.

How do you conduct a turnover analysis? ›

To calculate turnover rate, start with the number of separations during a month, divide that number by the average number of employees, then multiply by 100. However, while getting your turnover number may appear easy, the work needed to actually reduce turnover requires analysis of data from disparate systems.

What is effective turnover management? ›

Effective turnover management means proactively mitigating the risk of voluntary departures. Popular strategies to do so include flexible work schedules and competitive benefits packages, among many others. If you need help reducing employee turnover, contact us to enlist the help of a staffing services company.

How do you improve turnover ratio? ›

Six ways to improve inventory turnover
  1. Know your inventory items' position in their product life cycle.
  2. Improve demand forecasting accuracy.
  3. Prioritise your inventory.
  4. Reorder smarter.
  5. Use-up excess inventory by redistributing stock.
  6. Use automation to improve insights.
Nov 1, 2020

What are four types of employee turnover? ›

Here are four types of employee turnover you need to analyze:
  • Voluntary Turnover. No organization is immune from voluntary turnover. ...
  • Involuntary Turnover. Involuntary turnover is when the company asks an employee to leave. ...
  • Retirement. ...
  • Internal Transfers.
Aug 22, 2016

How do you ensure employees are treated fairly? ›

When companies treat employees fairly, everyone wins
  1. Making decision-making transparent.
  2. Providing employees with opportunities to provide input/feedback.
  3. Acknowledging employees' contributions.
  4. Making time for employees to provide input on decisions when possible.
  5. Treating employees with respect and dignity.

What is a turnover called? ›

Names. A meat or vegetarian turnover may be called a "patty" in South Asian and Caribbean cuisine, e.g. a South Asian chicken patty, a Jamaican patty, a Haitian patty. It may be a "pasty" in Cornish cuisine. In Latin American cuisine savoury turnovers are called empanadas and can be baked or fried.

How do you politely ask for turnover? ›

If, when you ask, you learn that turnover is uncomfortably or unusually high, you should then ask (again, in a way that doesn't make the interviewer feel like you're attacking), “To what do you attribute this number?” and “Does the organization have any plans or strategies in place to help alleviate this?”

How do you report on turnover? ›

To start your employee turnover calculation, you should divide the total number of leavers in a month by your average number of employees in a month. Then, times the total by 100. The number left is your monthly staff turnover as a percentage.

Why is it important to understand turnover? ›

Employee turnover is one of the most important metrics to track in any workplace. It tells you how satisfied your employees are, and if they are likely to leave. Voluntary turnover refers to employees deciding to leave, whereas involuntary turnover is when a boss decides to remove an employee from the team.

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