Resign vs. quit (2024)

This question is about list of skills.


Justin Parker

- Feb. 20, 2023

The difference between resigning and quitting is that when an employee resigns they put in a formal request to let their employer know they will be leaving the company in a certain period of time, while quitting refers to an informal process where an employee leaves a company, normally in an abrupt manner.

When an employee resigns from a company they might write a letter of resignation to their employer. Resigning usually involves informing the employer and other appropriate parties, such as a human resource department, and certain coworkers. Resigning normally produces a more positive dynamic between an employer and employee during their exit.

When an employee quits, on the other hand, it is typically an informal process that is effective immediately. Employees that quit generally do not give their employers any notice of their departure beforehand, nor do they follow any formal existing processes, such as ones involving human resources. Quitting can produce a negative dynamic between both parties.

Key Takeaways:

When an employee resigns they put in a formal request to let their employer know they will be leaving the company in a certain period of time.Quitting refers to an informal process where an employee leaves a company, normally in an abrupt manner.
Resigning is a more formal process that might involve interactions with HR, like an exit interview, and writing a letter of resignation to an employer.When an employee quits, on the other hand, it is typically an informal process that is effective immediately.
Resigning can leave a positive dynamic between the employee and the employer.Quitting can often produce a negative dynamic between an employee and an employer.
Resignations are more common with senior officials at companies, such as managers, supervisors, or chief executives.Quitting is a more common practice for lower-level employees than senior-level employees.

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