So What do Hockey Scouts Really Look For? (2024)

So,what do hockey scouts really look for? It’s a question every serioushockey player will ask as he or she approaches Bantam and beyond. Scoutsrate players in five main categories: skating, size, game sense,character and skill.

Glen Williamson, a former scout with the Los Angeles Kings, tells our players every summer at Prep Camp that it is a rare occasion when one player is a perfect “5 out of 5” in every category. Rather, players need to play to their strengths and be a 5 out of 5 in their strongest categories. Every player is unique.Intangible attributes are often the ones that can prolong a career or open up new opportunities for a player.

Scouts and coaches are always looking for players who can skate and read the game, and who are willing to do whatever it takes to help the team win and add to team chemistry.

Young players need to realize that someone is always watching. Consistent behaviour and performance day in and day out are keys to success. They must do something to “get noticed.” That “something” can come from a wide range of playssomething that catches the eye of a scout, and makes the scout take notice enough to remember the player once the game is over.

The following list will shed light on just some of the subtleties of the game that scouts and coaches look for in identifying good players.

Players should:

- block shots

- shoot the puck

- head-man the puck well

- pass the puck unselfishly

- communicate verbally on the ice and from the bench

- finish checks

- minimize turnovers in high risk areas

- identify defensive responsibilities

- drive the net

- create offensive-zone scoring chances

- use their sticks to take away passing lanes

- keep their bodies in the shooting lanes by staying between their checks and the net (also known as defensive-side positioning)

- stay on the defensive side in battles for the puck

Extra position-specific cues include the following.

Forwards should:

- support the puck

- keep a forward high in the offensive zone

- backcheck through the middle of the ice

- minimize turnovers

- cover for pressured or pinching defensive players

Defense should:

- get up-ice with the play to minimize gaps

- keep attacking forwards to the outside

- stay between attacking forwards and the net

- use their partners instead of throwing the puck away under pressure

- get shots past shot blockers

Goalies should:

- minimize rebounds that bounce into the slot

- battle to make second saves (rebounds)

- communicate with the defense in the defensive zone

- play the puck on dump-ins by setting it behind the net for a teammate or by passing it to the defense

- never quit until the puck is covered or is in the net

- deflect saves to corners

- skate hard to the bench on delayed penalties

- be square to shots by moving well in the crease and anticipating the play

- challenge shooters with appropriate depth, depending on shooter position and other scoring threats

The most skilled players in the world will always find a team that wants them, even if their attitude is not the best. However, these players are few and far between, and they often bounce from team to team until their luck runs out. Every team needs a player who can lead the league in scoring or stop the puck. However, they can only deal with a poor attitude for so long.

Beyond pure skating and puck skills, the above-listed characteristics all relate to a player’s ability to read the play and to make decisions that are best for the team. The best players in the world are not always the best skaters, and they don’t always have the hardest shot or the fastest glove. To have the best chance to move on to the next level, a player needs athletic instincts, a team-first mentality and a passion for improving physical and mental skills.

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Author Nathan Leslie

Hockey Consultant at Leslie Global Sports

Nate has a Master Degree of Education from Madrid, Spain, speaks German, Swiss German, & French, and played seven years of professional hockey in Europe. Nate is the owner of Leslie Global Sports with brother Boe, the creator of his new member site, How to Play Hockey, and the Director of the West Coast Hockey Prep Camp

So What do Hockey Scouts Really Look For? (2024)


What hockey scouts look for? ›

Once on the puck, scouts want to see players that can handle pressure and exhibit patience to find the next play. Puck protection and utilizing playmaking vision are the key elements they are looking for. On the flip side, avoiding going 'glass & out' or throwing pucks away would be something to avoid.

What do scouts look for in a hockey defenseman? ›

In general, most scouts will provide the cliché answers — speed, agility, compete level, hockey IQ, size, positional understanding, creativity, athleticism, aggression, physicality, hockey sense, maturity and decision making.

What makes a good hockey scout? ›

To reach the big time, you'll need a combination of knowledge about hockey player skills, a good intuition, some detective skills, a strong passion for the game, and the willingness to live life on the road. Drive, determination, and the ability to outwork other scouts will help improve your odds of success.

What do coaches look for in hockey? ›

There isn't a single hockey skill more important than skating. Puck control, passing and receiving, shooting as well as offensive and defensive tactics are the fundamentals of the game that all coaches will evaluate when selecting players for their team.

How can I impress at hockey tryouts? ›

Hockey Tryouts: Five Ways to Impress the Coaches and Make the...
  1. Look Like a Player: This sounds very simple, maybe a little superficial, yet it is easy to do and can make a big difference. ...
  2. Work Hard. ...
  3. Pay Attention. ...
  4. Play Your Game. ...
  5. Have Fun.

How do you impress a defender Scout? ›

The main attributes a scout looks for in a Central Defender are:
  1. Ball Control (becoming more important for defenders)
  2. Bravery in attempting challenges.
  3. Concentration.
  4. Communication.
  5. Height.
  6. Position.
  7. Reading of the game.
  8. Speed.

At what age do scouts start looking at hockey players? ›

At what age do hockey players get scouted? The hockey scouting process can begin as early as 8th grade, which is why the NCAA established new recruiting rules the prohibit Division 1 and 2 college coaches from contacting college hockey recruits until their sophom*ore year of high school.

How do you get noticed in hockey? ›

Building a resume with a ton of goals and assists certainly will get a player noticed and maybe even place him or her a step ahead of the competition when reaching out to a coach or scout. It's no different than those skilled plays that get a player's name circled when coaches see someone play in person.

What is the hardest lead to keep in hockey? ›

A two-goal cushion is often referred to as the “most dangerous lead in hockey,” so named because a team will squander it four out of every 10 times.

What skills make a good hockey player? ›

These include a good aerobic base, speed, agility and strength. Athletes across the field need to have these attributes.” As any follower of the game will know, high levels of speed and stamina are two attributes that modern hockey players have in abundance.

How do you get noticed at tryouts? ›

The Secret to Being a Stand-Out at Tryouts
  1. Be prepared: Lots of times coaches will request you to do something prior to the first tryout. ...
  2. Arrive early: ...
  3. Be in shape: ...
  4. Do your homework: ...
  5. Focus especially on defense: ...
  6. Pay attention/eye contact: ...
  7. Communicate on the court: ...
  8. Ask questions:

Do coaches have favorites? ›

However, most people will probably find it surprising that many coaches will actually agree that they play favorites, though they might do it for different reasons than you'd think. Oftentimes, playing favorites simply means playing the athletes that are simply the most talented.

How do coaches pick players? ›

Coaches will look at their mental and psychological make-up, their mental ability to quickly and correctly read and assess situations, their motivational drive and will power, their self-confidence and emotional stability.

What is the most important hockey skill? ›

While skating is the most important skill it is important to practice skating fast with the puck and shooting quickly. In the development pursuit of becoming a complete hockey player work to become as best as possible at the skills below: Striding Technique become as efficient as possible by lengthening the stride.

How can I improve my hockey IQ? ›

Practice drills such as playing scrimmages in smaller areas of the ice can really help players develop a sense of anticipation and force them to think and react faster with less time and space available.

How do I get in shape for hockey fast? ›

Jump squats, one-leg hops, box jumps, and skater jumps are all examples of plyometric exercise. These exercises demand that your muscles contract to explode upwards and then cause a stretch as you land, the combination of which is highly effective in developing leg and stomach muscles and improving your hockey shape.

Do positions matter in hockey? ›

As different as the individual positions in hockey may seem at first glance, the six players are playing with the same goal. The high speed of the hockey game demands that every player change roles and supports his team where needed.

How can I impress my coach? ›

13 Ways To Make A Good Impression On Your Coach
  1. 1-Be Early. Be on time or even early to training sessions and games. ...
  2. 2-Take Short Breaks. Be the first one back on the field after a water break. ...
  3. 3-Prepare. ...
  4. 4-Answer Questions. ...
  5. 5-Ask Questions. ...
  6. 6-Make Eye Contact. ...
  7. 7-Use What They Teach. ...
  8. 8-Hustle.
23 Aug 2018

Does it matter where you sit at a hockey game? ›

If sitting too far to one side makes you feel like you're missing things, center ice seating may be the best spot for you. When you're right in the middle, you can stay close to everything going on. You never have to worry about what's going over on the other side.

Who do defenders get along with? ›

In conclusion, the best match for an ISFJ can be a partner from the ESFJ, ISFP, or ISTJ personality type. Since long-lasting relationships are multifaceted and well-rounded, The Defender needs a partner who challenges them while also admiring their devotion and kindness.

What are the traits of a defender? ›

A Defender (ISFJ) is someone with the Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging personality traits. These people tend to be warm and unassuming in their own steady way. They're efficient and responsible, giving careful attention to practical details in their daily lives. Love only grows by sharing.

What is a good age to get scouted? ›

You can get scouted in football from the ages of 7 until 22 and most of the players get scouted by football academies at 13. There isn't necessarily a specific age when you're too old to get scouted, however, the oldest age for you to be scouted normally is the early twenties.

Where do most D1 hockey players come from? ›

The paths to NCAA Division I men's hockey can be winding, with a veritable alphabet soup of NCAA-eligible junior leagues leading to the college ranks. The vast majority of Division I players will play in one of those junior leagues – with the USHL, NAHL and BCHL producing the most players.

Is junior hockey worth it? ›

If you are looking to play at as high of a level as possible, whether that is NCAA or high-level ACHA, then Junior hockey is a great vehicle. It's practically the only vehicle.

What is the golden rule in hockey? ›

1. Always back your partner — on the offensive blue line, in the neutral zone and especially in the defensive zone. 2. Always one defenseman in front of the net when the opposition has the puck in your zone or there is danger that they may gain possession.

How long are hockey tryouts? ›

Typically evaluations/tryout occur over a seven to fourteen day period. It's not uncommon to have a couple of evaluation sessions followed by an exhibition game or two. What do coaches/evaluators look for during the tryouts? This tends to vary, depending on age group and level.

What hockey position gets hurt the most? ›

Goaltender is the most dangerous position on a hockey team; to face the pucks that are shot at speeds in excess of 100 mph (160 km/h) requires courage, as well as the physical skills of agility and hand-eye coordination necessary to prevent goals from being scored.

What is the biggest injury in hockey? ›

The most common hockey injuries include:
  • AC joint (shoulder)
  • ACL strains or tears.
  • Broken collarbone.
  • Concussions.
  • MCL strains or tears.
  • Muscle strains.
  • Shoulder dislocation.

What is the most tiring position in hockey? ›

The hardest position to play in hockey is the goalie. The goalie takes the longest to learn, is the most mental taxing, the most physically demanding, and often the biggest factor in determining whether a team wins or loses.

Do you have to be strong to play hockey? ›

Stamina is a must in the game of hockey, but so are strong legs, which will power your skates through long battles back and forth on the ice.

How important is hockey IQ? ›

In a nutshell, hockey IQ is a player's mental capacity to gather all the information available to him or her during a particular game sequence and process it quickly enough to make decisions with or without the puck that give the player and the team a competitive advantage over opponents consistently.

How can I be a smart hockey player? ›

The little things include aspects such as:
  1. Focusing on your defense rather than just your offensive stats.
  2. Developing a strong mental game.
  3. Being fully prepared, mentally and physically for each game.
  4. Looking to make the great pass instead of forcing a shot.
  5. Being in the right position.
  6. Not over-handling the puck.
11 Jan 2018

What does AAA mean in hockey? ›

USA Hockey designates four skill levels: Tier 1: The highest level of competition, also called "AAA", following the Canadian system. Tier 2: also called "AA" or "A". Tier 3: may also be called "A", the lowest level of competitive hockey.

How do you hit hard in hockey? ›

To hit harder, you need to generate more force which means practicing a faster swing. Another thing to remember is to keep your head down and body low throughout the entire swing and follow through with all your weight ending up on your front foot. Tip #3: Repetition and Practice.

What does F3 mean in hockey? ›

The third forward (F3) is the third man into the zone and stays higher in the zone to be ready for a pass from F2. F1 and F2 are deep into the zone and are the first "2" in the 2-1-2 forecheck. F3 is the "1" since he is alone in the high part of the zone.

What do coaches look for in tryouts? ›

Coaches will want to see what you can do with shooting, ball handling, defense, passing, rebounding and footwork. When it comes to testing your offense, a coach may give you a set amount of time to make layups with both hands. “You can expect some kind of shooting drill,” Liebert said.

Should I be nervous for tryouts? ›

If you make yourself too nervous for tryouts there is absolutely no way that you will perform to your capabilities! Staying relaxed is the key to a successful tryout. This has to be your number one priority.

What evaluators look for in hockey tryouts? ›

On-Ice Skills
  • Dexterity. Dexterity is a crucial trait for any position in hockey. ...
  • Hockey Sense. ...
  • Intensity. ...
  • Making Hard Passes. ...
  • Positional Play. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Humility. ...
  • Positive Attitude.
10 Apr 2018

What personality type makes the best coach? ›

People with the ENTJ personality type were born to take charge. These Commanders are charming and self-assured, with a strong determination to succeed. ENTJs are also incredibly inspirational, which is an excellent quality to have as a life coach, as the objective is to inspire people to live a joyful life.

How do you know if a coach is toxic? ›

In his newsletter on his website, Competitive Edge, Goldberg points out behavior typical among bad coaches.
  1. They single out kids to criticize. ...
  2. They place winning above everything. ...
  3. They ignore safety and health issues. ...
  4. The coach allows kids to bad-mouth each other. ...
  5. They play favorites. ...
  6. They ask kids to deceive their parents.
11 Dec 2014

How do you know if a coach likes you? ›

Emails or social media DMs: You're likely on the coach's list of recruits. Emails and DMs are easy ways for coaches to get more information about a recruit. They may ask you for your highlight video, updated stats or the contact information for your current coach.

What type of players do coaches like? ›

Be a hard worker.

Coaches love players who show up for everything. We love the players who are the first ones in the gym and the last ones to leave. A hard-working player gives their best effort every time they take the court, whether it's a practice or a game.

What do coaches want from players? ›

College coaches want athlete's who have impeccable work ethic. You must have a strong work ethic and prove it through documentation and references. Recording your workouts and practices with details of what you accomplished is an excellent way to show that you have put in the hours athletically.

What do coaches expect from players? ›

Players are expected to sit with the team and pay attention. They are your teammates and they deserve your respect and consideration at all times. If you must be told multiple times to sit with your team or act appropriately, it will directly affect your playing time.

What are the qualities of a good hockey player? ›

These include a good aerobic base, speed, agility and strength. Athletes across the field need to have these attributes.” As any follower of the game will know, high levels of speed and stamina are two attributes that modern hockey players have in abundance.

What is the ideal body type for a hockey player? ›

So the million dollar question is, what's the ideal body fat percentage for hockey players? Answer: No higher than 12% for males, and 18% for females. Ideally for males, you should be anywhere from 8-10% body fat. Up to 12% is acceptable though – Any higher than this is likely a performance trade-off.

What do sports scouts look for? ›

Scouts look for new players, evaluating their skills and likelihood for success at the amateur, college, or professional level. Many coaches also are involved in scouting potential athletes for their team.

What is the most important skill in hockey? ›

Skating is one of hockey's most fundamental skills. Becoming comfortable moving on the ice is one of the cornerstones in building player confidence. The ability to turn and change directions smoothly can open up new pass and shot opportunities.

What is the most important rule of hockey? ›

The most important rule is offside. When entering the attacking zone, if you or a team member crosses the blue line before the puck, the play is whistled dead and a faceoff will occur in the neutral zone. Players are allowed to play the puck with their skates, but players cannot kick the puck into the goal.

What muscles make you faster in hockey? ›

Fully activating and strengthening glutes is perhaps the biggest key to improving your skating power and speed. Glutes are the most powerful muscle in your body and using them to their potential can have massive impacts on your performance in hockey and many other sports.

What muscles do hockey players use the most? ›

The most important muscles for us in hockey are the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes; all muscles of the legs. The quads are important because we are constantly bending during a hockey match.

What muscles need to be strong for hockey? ›

The most important muscles during a game are the core muscles. Core muscles include the rectus abdominus and transverse abdominus, which are the abdominal muscles, and both internal and external oblique muscles. The strength and flexibility of the lower body is also very important.

Do scouts talk to players? ›

A scout doesn't just talk to the pro liaison on a school visit. He will also talk to the team trainer, strength coach, equipment manager and the player's academic adviser. A veteran scout may also do a simple Internet search on the player to see if any pertinent information surfaces.

What do scouts look for in a tight end? ›

What do we look for when scouting a tight end? The ideal player is part offensive lineman and part wide receiver. We look for speed, power, soft hands and a tough-nosed mentality and mean streak that allows the player to be a complete blocker. Here's a breakdown of each trait.

How do you get scouts to notice you? ›

It may seem overwhelming, but there are ways to get scouts to notice you.
  1. Ask for Help From Your Coach. Your high school coach can be a big asset when it comes to getting noticed. ...
  2. Make Yourself Visible. ...
  3. Sell Yourself. ...
  4. Utilize Social Media.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.