Which branch of the military has the best benefits? (2024)

The Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force are the branches of the military that have the best benefits. They also are the branches of the military that have the best pay.

Nearly all branches of the military pay new recruits relatively the same pay ranges and benefits plans. However, these three branches have a slight leg up on the others.


The Marines provide a full benefits package that includes salary, medical insurance, housing, vacation time, and other common benefits. A crucial benefit is the career skills one can develop when joining the Marines. These include things like discipline, leadership, and honor.

Coast Guard

The Coast Guard offers many of the same benefits but also includes 30 days of paid vacation to their benefits package. The Coast Guard is also a great option for those who want to be stationed domestically for service.

Space Force

The Space Force offers Guardians and their families premier benefits, including extremely low-rate insurance plans and full pay and allowances for sick leave. Perhaps the biggest benefit of the Space Force is that someone who has worked in the Space Force has the opportunity to then work in the private aerospace industry. Jobs in this sector can be extremely lucrative.

Which branch of the military has the best benefits? (1)

Which branch of the military has the best benefits? (2024)
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