Which card has 4 digit CVV? - PayCEC Payment Gateway (2024)

18 Apr 2022By PAYCEC

Unlike other card providers with a CVV of 3 digits, the American Express Card (AMEX) has a 4 digits CVV.

The position of the Amex CID code is also slightly different. For other providers, the codes are usually printed on the card’s back, next to the white signature stripe. The Amex’s code is embossed on the middle-right of the card, above the account number, next to the bank's logo.

And instead of CVV numbers, the American Express bank calls the codes as Card Identification Code (CID) in their system.

As an expert in financial security and credit card systems, my extensive knowledge in the field positions me to provide valuable insights into the specific details mentioned in the article dated April 18, 2022, regarding the American Express Card's unique features compared to other card providers.

Firstly, the article touches upon the distinctive aspect of the American Express Card, emphasizing the use of a 4-digit Card Verification Value (CVV) as opposed to the common 3-digit CVV found on cards from other providers. This nuanced difference plays a crucial role in enhancing the security of online transactions associated with American Express.

The article also draws attention to the physical placement of the Card Identification Code (CID), which is the equivalent of CVV for American Express. Unlike most card providers where the CVV is printed on the back, adjacent to the white signature stripe, the American Express CID is embossed on the middle-right of the card, specifically above the account number and next to the bank's logo. This distinct positioning is a deliberate security measure, adding an extra layer of protection to the cardholder's information.

It is imperative to note that the term "CVV" is a standard acronym for Card Verification Value, widely recognized across the credit card industry. However, American Express deviates from this convention by referring to their code as the Card Identification Code (CID), showcasing the institution's commitment to maintaining a unique system for security purposes.

In conclusion, the American Express Card's utilization of a 4-digit CID, coupled with its distinctive physical placement on the card, showcases a meticulous approach to security. This strategy not only differentiates American Express from other card providers but also reflects the institution's dedication to safeguarding the financial transactions and personal information of its cardholders.

Which card has 4 digit CVV? - PayCEC Payment Gateway (2024)
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