Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (2024)

In our previous post, we learned that smelling salts were historically made by combining vinegar and fumes with various ammonium salts, such as ammonium carbonate or ammonium chloride, and are used as a medical treatment for fainting or to resurrect people who have passed out. However, as time passed, ammonia inhalants became more common from ordinary people to athletes for several other purposes.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (1)

Ammonia smelling salts

In this article, we will look at how ammonia salts began and evolved from the Roman Empire to today's common use of smelling salts in sports, their legality, and why they are so popular among athletes in many sports today.

Smelling Salts History

Smelling salts have a long and fascinating history that dates back to the Roman Empire. In his writings, they are referred to as Hammoniacus sal by a Roman author and naturalist named Pliny. In the 13th century, it became a treatment. Later on, in the 14th century, Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" statements declared to be using sal armonyak. After that, the formulation of these ammonia solutions from shavings of harts' horns and hooves in the 17th century gave rise to the alternative name for smelling salts, spirits, or salt of hartshorn.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (2)

Source: Rembrandt, a Dutch Golden Age painter, painted a woman using smelling salts to revive a fainted man

As smelling salts spread throughout Europe, they became famous as a treatment for fainting spells and other forms of syncope, headaches, fatigue, and other symptoms.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (3)

Source: 1787 satirical print depicting tooth transplant showing a woman holding smelling salts bottle to her nose as she is about to have teeth transplantation

It reached the Victorian era when women started to use ammonia inhalants to revive themselves after fainting due to tight corsets and other restrictive clothing in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

People used to dilute stimulants in vinegar or alcohol, add fragrances, and soak them in a sponge. The sponge was then placed in a decorative container called a vinaigrette. Later on, sal volatile was strongly utilized during WWII. The British Red Cross and St. John Ambulance advised all workforces to keep them in their first aid kits.

Today's Smelling Salts Uses

Ammonia inhalants are still widely utilized in a variety of settings today. They are used in medical emergencies to help revive people who have lost consciousness or are woozy.

Source: Smelling salts packets are used not only in the medical field but also in sports

Sal volatile is utilized as a stimulant in the medical field for individuals who have fainted or are in shock. They can help enhance awareness and breathing and are sometimes used to aid in recovering a patient from anesthesia after surgery. Those suffering from medical issues such as low blood pressure or persistent exhaustion frequently use them to regain awareness and attention swiftly. This is until smelling salts in sports became prevalent and embraced in this field.

The question is, when and why do players use smelling salts? Let's dig deeper and read more.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts?

Going back to the mid-1900s, the use of smelling salts for athletes began incorporating into many sports. These inhalants mainly include ammonia gas, which can stimulate respiration, increasing oxygen intake and breathing rate, making sports athletes feel more alert and concentrated. Smelling salts for sports can be beneficial when an a

thlete needs a quick boost during a game, as ammonia inhalants help instantly revitalize and boost their respiratory and neurological systems.

These inhalants are occasionally used to revive athletes feeling dizzy or disoriented due to physical exertion, dehydration, or being struck during a game or competition in sports such as football, hockey, and boxing. They are believed to assist athletes in recovering fast and returning to the game.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (5)

Source: Smelling salts are becoming widely used in famous sports events, such as the NFL and Super Bowl.

If we look at statistics, smelling salts are especially popular among football and hockey players who believe this will mitigate the effects of a concussion.

Ammonia inhalants are considered a safe and legal way to quickly revive an athlete who has fainted, but only trained professionals should use them. Side effects such as skin and lung irritation, burns, and other health problems may arise when used excessively or incorrectly.

You can read about smelling salts' safety to learn the proper use of smelling salts.

Why Smelling Salts are Popular Among Hockey Players

For those who have never played hockey, it is one of the world's most chaotic and fast-paced sports. The skaters quickly weave across the ice. The flying puck is small and constantly changes directions, making it difficult for your eyes to follow. Bodies collide with each other and sometimes into the sideboards, resulting in hard body blows. You may find yourself asking how it's even possible for them to keep up with all of these.

Not surprisingly, hockey players use smelling salts to give them the energy and focus they need to process everything that's going on in the field in a matter of seconds. Due to the physical nature of the sport, concussions and physical contact occur often. Thus smelling salts are also used in the NHL to regain consciousness, recover, and quickly get back into the game.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (6)

NHL team sniffing salts to stay alert and focused

When a hockey player sniffs the salts, the ammonia gas irritates the nose lining. It sets off an inhalation reflex, causing the body to take a deep breath. This deep breath can boost oxygen intake and respiration while also stimulating the nervous system, making the player feel more alert and focused.

What do Smelling Salts do for Football Players

Football is arguably the most physically and mentally demanding sport. Concussions frequently occur due to the nature of the game, which requires defending players to tackle the offensive player possessing the football. Playing the quarterback position can also be very mentally taxing. They are the core playmakers that the entire offense revolves around, and all eyes are on them if mistakes are made.

The NFL and NHL started frequent use of smelling salts dating back to the 1970s. Football players use smelling salts for the same reason as hockey players. They help the players focus and recover quickly from lightheadedness during a game caused by physical exertion or hard tackles, especially to the head. In football, smelling salts are often administered by a team's trainers or medical staff. During games and practices, they will keep a tiny vial of the salts on hand, and if necessary, they will give them to a player.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (7)

Source: 49ers tight end George Kittle smelling salts during the game to improve focus and energy

According to ESPN The Magazine, it is estimated that 80% of NFL players are smelling salt users. In the National Football League, smelling salts are particularly popular among defensive linemen and similar positions that experience a lot of physical contact during the game.

When an NFL player smells salts, the vital ammonia gas stimulates their respiratory system, increasing their oxygen intake and breathing rate and making them more alert and focused.

What is Smelling Salt in Boxing

Starting in the early 20th century, boxers began using smelling salts during boxing matches to keep themselves going after a particularly tough blow to the head and regain focus for the next round. Often, in theory, the ammonia inhalants "revived" the fighter enough that he would stay conscious long enough to finish the match. In fact, was not the proper usage of smelling salts nor the goal.

Why are Smelling Salts Banned in Boxing

In the 1970s, smelling salts were eventually banned in boxing because they can hide concussion symptoms. This isn't due to the inherent dangers of ammonia gas. Ammonia gas is not inherently dangerous as our bodies even produce it, but its use in boxing may mask more severe injuries.

For example, if smelling salts for boxers are used to revive a fighter who has been knocked out, they might not be able to recognize that they have a concussion.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (8)

Trainer using smelling salt to help boxer regain consciousness from the heavy blow

When someone is injured or passed out during boxing, there's a logical reason they were knocked out. Their body is telling them to go to sleep or stay unconscious. Suppose someone requires smelling salts to be revived. In that case, it is assumed that there is a more significant medical issue, such as head trauma or concussion, and they should not return to the ring.

Boxing officials now recognize that the use of smelling salts must end to protect the safety of boxers, although it was once overlooked. Ammonia inhalants should only be used when someone is conscious or needs to increase alertness and focus. They should not be used to deal with the effects of boxing blows.

Are Smelling Salts Legal

Yes, smelling salts are legal and commonly used in various sports and medical settings. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies them as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. They are available for purchase at many drug stores and online.

While smelling salts have been banned in boxing for years, they are still legal and used in many sports. There has been a rise in their use in the past ten years, especially in football and hockey, where jarring hits can make one woozy. Almost every major sports team uses and relies on sniffing salts for peak performance & awareness. If you look on any sideline from football, baseball, and hockey, there are capsules and smelling salt packets for athletes.

Athletes Using Smelling Salts

Smelling salts have become popular among many famous football, hockey, and boxing athletes. Some key players who have openly admitted or known to use them include Tom Brady, Wayne Gretzky, and even Muhammed Ali. These athletes are among the best in their respective sports and have helped bring attention to their benefits.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (9)

Patriots QB Tom Brady was found sniffing salts on the bench

  • Tom Brady, one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history, is known for his use of smelling salts before and during games. He has been using them for many years and has often been seen smelling them on the sidelines.

  • Wayne Gretzky, a pro Hockey player and Hall of Famer in the NHL, is known to have used them before every game for a jolt of energy. He has also been seen using them on the bench during his coaching years for the Coyotes.

  • Muhammed Ali, an American boxing legend in the 20th century, was said to have used smelling salts during an iconic match against British star Henry Cooper. After a near knockout blow dealt by the latter in the 4th round, Ali's trainer Dundee used them to help him regain consciousness quickly. Ali quickly turned the tables in round 5 and eventually won the fight.

In conclusion, smelling salts have become popular among many famous sports athletes. These athletes have brought attention to the many benefits of smelling salts. Using smelling salts is considered a testament to athletes' commitment to being at their best on the field.

But, ammonia inhalants are not exclusive to athletes alone. They are also common in the gym.

What are Smelling Salts Used for in the Gym?

Weightlifters and other athletes use smelling salts for gym to prepare for a strong lift or intense exercise mentally. The potent ammonia gas can stimulate the respiratory system and increase alertness, attention, and energy, benefiting athletes who need an extra energy boost and motivation for a complex lift.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (10)

Powerlifter uses a lot of energy and concentration for heavy lift

Athletes often use smelling salts when weightlifting or working out at the gym because it helps them recover quickly from collapsing or feeling unsteady. These sensations can occur during or after a workout due to physical exertion or rigorous training.

It's worth mentioning that the use of smelling salts for lifting is debatable, with some experts raising concerns about the potential hazards. Overuse or misapplication of ammonia inhalants can pose some health risks.

Furthermore, some may become overly dependent on them to perform effectively, which can be dangerous. That is why it is advisable to learn its proper use.

Best Smelling Salts for Athletes

Many people are becoming increasingly conscious of the potentially harmful effects of artificial chemicals in the most readily available products, causing a shift toward healthier and more natural alternatives.

As a result, healthier options for smelling salts, such as Native Salts became popular among athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone wanting a quick energy and focus boost.

Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (11)

Native Salts is an all-natural healthy, smelling salt that is best for athletes.

Unlike traditional chemical-based products, Native Salts are produced using all-natural ingredients and formulated with health safety at their core. Furthermore, they create a perfect aroma that you will undoubtedly enjoy for daily use. These organic and aromatic smelling salts have been distributed nationwide from ordinary people to professional athletes since 2018. For those who want to stay refreshed and healthy while getting the alertness and energy they need for their sport, Native Salts is one of the best quality options for smelling salts.

Native Salts are handcrafted, made, packed, and shipped with care in Chicago, Illinois. If you want to try all-natural smelling salts on your next play, you can get them here by clicking the "Get Native Salts" button below.

Get Native Salts
Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts (2024)


Why do Athletes Use Smelling Salts - Native Salts? ›

Sniffing smelling salts can increase a person's blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels, helping brain activity and reactivating the sympathetic nervous system. Many trainers feel that smelling salts provide a burst of energy and help improve focus.

Why did people use smelling salts? ›

Smelling salts are used to arouse consciousness because the release of ammonia (NH3) gas that accompanies their use irritates the membranes of the nose and lungs, and thereby triggers an inhalation reflex. This reflex alters the pattern of breathing, resulting in improved respiratory flow rates and possibly alertness.

What are the results of smelling salts? ›

But using smelling salts is not without risks. Not only do they immediately cause eye, nose, and throat irritation, but they also can cause coughing and watery eyes. Overusing smelling salts can lead to a number of more serious issues including breathing difficulties, irreversible lung damage, and even death.

What is the reasoning for smelling salts? ›

One reason why smelling salt has become popular to use during training is because the smelling salt contributes to improved oxygenation, increased ability to concentrate, increased performance and that you become more "awake" and alert.

Why do NFL players use smelling salts? ›

The use of smelling salts is particularly popular among football and hockey players who believe this reflex will counteract the effects of concussion. Recent estimates report 80 percent of NFL players using smelling salts, according to a recent article in ESPN The Magazine.

Are smelling salts illegal? ›

It is only legal in the United States for a person to use smelling salts to help someone regain consciousness after fainting. However, some people may use smelling salts for other means, such as improving athletic performance and increasing alertness.

Is smelling salts a drug? ›

However, smelling salts have not been studied for these uses and are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as stimulant drugs. In 2023, the FDA issued a warning to consumers to avoid using Nose Slap and Soul Slap smelling salt products that are advertised as promoting both energy and alertness.

What happens if you keep sniffing smelling salts? ›

Overuse may damage nasal passages or lungs

Ammonia can cause chemical burns to the inside of your nose, especially if you're a heavy user of smelling salts or if you hold them too close to your nose while you inhale. In very high doses, ammonia could seriously and permanently damage your lungs.

Is smelling salts healthy? ›

At the end of the day, ammonia is a toxic substance. It's diluted in smelling salts, but using them too frequently or holding them too close to your nose can put you at risk for severe irritation of the nose and lungs or, in very rare cases, asphyxiation and death.

Why are smelling salts banned in boxing? ›

However, in sports where significant head, neck or spine injury may have occurred, (like boxing) a smelling salt can “mask” the symptoms of a concussion which can further harm an athlete.

Can smelling salts stop a seizure? ›

Don't attempt to prevent the seizure by “reasoning“ with the person, shouting at them, shaking them, patting them or holding smelling salts under their nose. Don't try to get the person to sit down on a chair during the seizure, or keep them in one.

What does nose slap do? ›

According to the agency, based on the above labeling claims, Nose Slap and Soul Slap products contain ammonium chloride, sodium carbonate, and essential oil, and are intended for use as both reflex stimulants (i.e., smelling salts, ammonia inhalants) and, more generally, as stimulants to help restore mental alertness ...

Why do strong men use smelling salts? ›

Sniffing smelling salts can increase a person's blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels, helping brain activity and reactivating the sympathetic nervous system. Many trainers feel that smelling salts provide a burst of energy and help improve focus.

Can you still buy smelling salts? ›

Our range of smelling salts and ammonia from Obsidian are made with high-quality​ materials and provide just the kick you need before a big lift. Available in a range of strengths and scents - use the filters to help you choose the right smelling salts for you.

Do smelling salts wake you up in the morning? ›

They have traditionally been used in medical settings to revive people who have fainted or to help alleviate symptoms of fainting, such as dizziness and lightheadedness. However, it's not recommended to use smelling salts as a way to wake up or give yourself a boost during a drowsy day.

When did people start using smelling salts? ›

Smelling salts have been used since Roman times and are mentioned in the writings of Pliny as Hammoniacus sal. Evidence exists of use in the 13th century by alchemists as sal ammoniac.

What are the benefits of Jujimufu smelling salts? ›

They activate the inhalation reflex by irritating the mucous membranes in your respiratory tract. This causes muscles that control the breathing process to perform faster. It's a negative sensory sensation, enhancing activities of the heart and brain by activating the sympathetic nervous system.

Why do I smell ammonia when I breathe in? ›

Kidney Disease and Oral Health

When the kidneys fail to remove all of the urea, the urea breaks down into ammonia. Hence, the reason people with renal problems often have breath that smells like chemicals or ammonia breath. Additionally, the body is unable to absorb calcium properly as a result of kidney disease.

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