Easiest Military Branch To Join In 2022 - Operation Military Kids (2024)

Anyone who has served in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces will tell you that it’s not an easy experience.

Military service demands commitment to a lifestyle that is often tough, stressful, and potentially dangerous.

However, each branch of the U.S. military is unique, making some easier to join than others depending on certain circ*mstances.

Here is some information regarding some of the “easiest” military branches to join.

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Table of Contents

Easiest Military Branch Overall

Easiest Military Branch To Join In 2022 - Operation Military Kids (1)

Though there are a multitude of factors to consider, most agree that the easiest military branch overall is the Air Force.

Though the Air Force is certainly not the easiest military branch to get into, once you have joined, it is likely that you will find the Air Force to be an easier career experience compared to the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

Here are a few reasons to support this assessment:

In addition to the usual benefits that come with a career in military service, such as job security, medical insurance, retirement options, educational opportunities, travel, and more, the Air Force offers a unique experience.

This experience can reduce many of the tremendous stressors that come with serving in the military, making the Air Force a bit easier than other branches for those who join.

Some examples of the Air Force’s unique experience are:

  • Elevated quality of housing for single airmen and those with families
  • Enhanced base amenities, such as recreational services and commissary/exchange shopping
  • Comparable workday experience to civilian jobs (primarily an 8-hour workday)
  • Positive reports of balance between work and family life
  • Shorter deployments
  • High job satisfaction levels
  • Opportunities for innovative technical training
  • Less demanding in terms of physical rigor
  • Strong chances of transitioning to high-paying civilian careers
  • Rare likelihood of combat on the ground
  • Strength and pride in tradition and history

Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)

Another unique aspect of serving in the Air Force is the ease with which airmen can earn an associate degree from CCAF.

CCAF is an accredited federal program that grants two-year AAS (Associate of Applied Science) degrees.

This community college serves active, guard, and reserve enlisted personnel, and is the largest community college system.

CCAF accepts basic training as physical education credit and applies any technical school training towards your degree.

In addition, airmen can take general courses at their base education center as well as unlimited CLEP tests for free to earn college credit.

The ease of earning your Associate’s Degree in the Air Force enhances your opportunities for promotion as well as education.

Of course, it’s essential to bear in mind that most people who decide to serve in the U.S. military are not seeking the easiest military branch overall.

The decision to serve is based far more on available opportunities, experiences, and many other factors.

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Easiest Military Branch To Get Into

Easiest Military Branch To Join In 2022 - Operation Military Kids (2)

When taking into account a number of elements, the military branch considered easiest to get into would be the U.S. Army.

Here are few reasons why this is the case:

Lowest Required ASVAB Score

Each branch of the military requires you to take a test called the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB for short.

Among other things, the test measures basic concepts and skills to determine a person’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential success in verbal, math, science and technical, and spatial subject areas.

The AFQT (Armed Forces Qualification Test) score, derived from the ASVAB, is what military branches use to determine eligibility for enlistees.

The highest score possible for the AFQT is 99.

While the US Coast Guard requires a minimum AFQT score of 40, the Army only requires a score of 31.

Most Forgiving Of Your Past

Another aspect to consider when determining the easiest military branch to get into is your background.

Each branch of the military conducts a background check on their future soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.

This security clearance is designed to ensure that military members meet standards and conduct of moral character.

Therefore, factors such as trustworthiness, emotional stability, financial responsibility, and criminal activity are investigated—usually within the past 10 years.

If you have a criminal record, it may be quite difficult to join some branches of the military.

Of course, depending on any arrests and the severity of criminal charges, some minor offenses may be waived.

This is especially true if there is a higher demand for military personnel.

Since it is the largest branch in the U.S. Armed Forces and generally requires more members, the Army routinely provides waivers to those that have misdemeanors in their past.

With the lower minimum AFQT score requirement and a greater likelihood of waiving past minor offenses, the Army is considered the easiest to get into in terms of military branches.

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Easiest Boot Camp / Basic Training

Easiest Military Branch To Join In 2022 - Operation Military Kids (3)

Though boot camp / basic training is considered challenging, yet mandatory, for every branch of the military, the easiest among them would most likely be the Air Force.

Here are some reasons to illustrate this case:

Each service branch organizes their own basic training schedules, programs, and requirements.

In addition, there is variation among boot camps in terms of difficulty, duration, and intensity.

For example, the Army’s Basic Combat Training is a 10-week program in which recruits face the following:

  • Instruction in military rules and processes
  • Intense physical and mental health strengthening exercises
  • Basic Rifle Marksmanship Qualification and Fit to Win Obstacle assessment courses
  • Three-day Victory Forge challenge to apply all concepts learned

The Navy’s Boot Camp lasts eight weeks, during which recruits go through basic conditioning, team-building, and direct raining.

To graduate, potential enlistees must complete a physical fitness test, live-fire training, academic exam, and a 12-hour Battle Stations evaluation program.

Recruit Training in the Marine Corps lasts for 12 weeks, ending with a 54-hour field survival challenge.

By comparison, the Air Force Basic Military Training is shorter in duration, taking 8.5 weeks.

The Air Force boot camp programs are also considered less intense than the other branches, though physical and mental health strengthening are an integral part of basic training.

Recruits also learn about the history of the Air Force along with field training in combat scenarios.

Air Force basic training concludes with fitness and airmanship evaluation.

Though none of the branches’ basic training courses would be categorized as easy, by comparison, the Air Force program lasts a shorter amount of time and is considered less rigorous.

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Easiest For Females

Easiest Military Branch To Join In 2022 - Operation Military Kids (4)

Though females can join any branch of the Armed Forces, the U.S. Air Force is considered to be the easiest for females.

Here are some reasons to support this:

  • Currently, the Air Force has the highest percentage of active service females in U.S. military.
  • The Air Force is known for its excellence in quality-of-life programs and standards, including family housing and base amenities.
  • Though sexual assault cases are underreported in the military, both women and men face the lowest sexual assault risk in the Air Force.
  • The Air Force is reported to be the “easiest” branch when it comes to physical challenges and difficulties.
  • Next to the Coast Guard, Air Force members are among the least likely to see combat.
  • Deployments in the Air Force are not as common as the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, and they are generally shorter in duration.
  • Air Force members typically report higher satisfaction in terms of balance between career and family life.

It’s important to acknowledge that women make up the minority of all members of the military.

However, all MOS (military occupational specialties) are open to females.

Therefore, choosing which branch to join as a female service person should be much more dependent on the position and experience desired rather than determined by gender concerns.

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Easiest To Become An Officer

Easiest Military Branch To Join In 2022 - Operation Military Kids (5)

The U.S. Marine Corps provides the easiest path to become an officer.

All branches of the U.S. Armed Forces allow the possibility for an enlisted service member to become a commissioned officer.

This is achieved through Officer Candidate School (OCS), though specifications vary depending on your branch of service.

Most enlisted service members are required to have a four-year college degree to be recommended for OCS.

Here is a breakdown, by branch, of the path requirements from enlisted military membership to the rank of officer for comparison:


A bachelor’s degree is required for most enlisted midshipmen seeking to attend OCS for 12 weeks at the Naval Station in Newport, Rhode Island, and graduate with an ensign rank.

However, enlisted Navy members can compete for a Limited-Duty Officer commission without a degree.

This is only available to those considered to have superior technical expertise.

Air Force

To become a commissioned second lieutenant as a graduate of the nine-week OCS course at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, enlisted airmen must meet the following requirements:

  • Be between the ages of 18 to 39
  • Possess a bachelor’s degree
  • Pass the Air Force Qualifying Test and Test of Basic Aviation Skills


To become a commissioned second lieutenant as a graduate of the Army’s 12-week OCS at Fort Benning, Georgia, enlisted soldiers must meet the following requirements:

  • Be between the ages of 19 and 32
  • Be eligible for secret security clearance
  • Have less than 6 years of active federal service
  • Possess a bachelor’s degree

Marine Corps

To enter the 10-week OCS at the Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia, and graduate as a second lieutenant, an enlisted Marine must be between 18 and 27 years old.

They must also pass a physical examination.

However, unlike fellow military branches, a bachelor’s degree is not always required for Marine Corps members.

The Marine Corps offers an Enlisted Commissioning Program that is open to active-duty members with the rank of sergeant and above, as long as they have earned at least 12 college credits.

Overall, in terms of requirements, the U.S. Marine Corps offers the easiest path for enlisted members to become an officer—especially in terms of possessing a bachelor’s degree.

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Rob V.

Rob V. is the founder of OperationMilitaryKids.org. While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics.

Born and raised in Woodbridge, NJ, he graduated from the New Jersey Institute Of Technology with an MBA in eCommerce.His hobbies include beach volleyball, target shooting, and lifting.

Rob is also a Commercially rated pilot and Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), with over 1,500 hours of flight time.

Latest posts by Rob V. (see all)

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  • PT-141 Review (2022): Does This Peptide Really Work? - December 13, 2022
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Easiest Military Branch To Join In 2022 - Operation Military Kids (8)

Easiest Military Branch

4.6 out of 5 (51 Ratings)

Learn more about which branch of the military is the easiest in terms of boot camp, easiest for females, easiest to become an officer, and more.

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Easiest Military Branch To Join In 2022 - Operation Military Kids (2024)


What branch of the military is easiest to get into? ›

With the lower minimum AFQT score requirement and a greater likelihood of waiving past minor offenses, the Army is considered the easiest to get into in terms of military branches.

What is the safest military branch? ›

The primary mission of the Coast Guard is to protect domestic waterways. What is the safest military branch? The Space Force is the safest military branch in terms of man-to-man combat and machine-to-machine accidents.

Which military branch is the best for females? ›

The best military branch for women would most likely be the Air Force. Statistically, the Air Force has the most female officers, with 21% compared to the other branches, where the Army has 18%, the Navy has 18 %, and the Marine Corps has 7% female officers.

Which military branch is hardest to pass? ›

There's a great argument that the Marine Corps has the hardest military training of anyone, and here's why. Of course, when you reach the top, you can find them becoming SEALs or a part of the Marine Raider Regiment (MRR), but the training of any Marine is some of the hardest military training in the world.

Which branch promotes the fastest? ›

The Army is generally the branch of the military that promotes the fastest. That said, your military job and advanced education you have will impact your ability to be promoted. A college degree can help you get promoted, regardless of your branch. However, specialized career fields often don't promote quickly.

Which branch has the best benefits? ›

The Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force are the branches of the military that have the best benefits. They also are the branches of the military that have the best pay. Nearly all branches of the military pay new recruits relatively the same pay ranges and benefits plans.

What military branch does not go to war? ›

Noncombat military jobs that don't see combat typically include those in the information technology, health care, engineering, education, human resources or finance fields.

Which military branch has the best life? ›

Rod Powers was a retired Air Force First Sergeant with 22 years of active duty service. The Air Force has the reputation of having the best quality of life programs (dormitories, family housing, on-base shopping and services, and recreation) of all the military service branches.

Which military branch fights the least? ›

The Coast Guard is the least likely to see combat, as they are a part of Homeland Security and play a different role in protecting the United States. Every military branch has a different organizational structure. Within that structure, some units and troops focus on training for combat.

What branch gets the most girls? ›

The Most Popular Military Branch for Women to Enlist

As of writing this, the Air Force has the highest number of active service females in the US armed forces. But that's not to say that other branches of the Army are not female-friendly.

What branch has the most girls? ›

Similar shares of men and women currently serve in the Army, which is the largest active-duty branch of the military, and in the Navy. But women are more likely than men to be in the Air Force; nearly one-third (31%) of military women are in the Air Force compared with 22% of men.

Which basic training is the easiest? ›

Among active-duty service members and veterans, it is generally agreed that the easiest military branch to enter, in terms of basic training, is the Air Force because the programs are more spread out. Plus, the duration is usually shorter.

What is the most strict military branch? ›

What's The Hardest Military Branch? 5 Toughest Ranked For 2022
  • #1. US Marine Corps. Tough jobs within the Marines. ...
  • #2. US Army. Tough jobs in the Army. ...
  • US Navy. Tough jobs in the Navy. Nuclear Field. ...
  • #4. US Air Force. Tough jobs in the Air Force. ...
  • #5. US Coast Guard. Tough jobs in the Coast Guard. ...
  • Conclusion.
Apr 29, 2023

Which military branch gets the most funding? ›

2024 Budgets by Service
ServiceFunding in Billions
Air Force$185.1
Marine Corps$53.2
Space Force$30.0
1 more row
Mar 13, 2023

Which branch pays the most? ›

The most basic and straightforward answer is that they all pay the same rate. Your basic military pay is determined by designation (enlisted, warrant officer, officer) and rank, not by which branch you serve.

What is the easiest military boot camp? ›

Many would say the Air Force. However, it is not exactly a leisurely vacation. Here are highlights of the 'least physically demanding' basic training: Daily PT, with a final test requiring least 50 sit ups, 45 push ups and 1.5 mile run in 11:57 or less.

What branch has the most opportunities? ›

The Army is the largest branch of the U.S. military and as such has the biggest selection of jobs.

What military branch goes in first in a war? ›

The Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations.

Which branch has the best uniforms? ›

Number one on the list of best military uniforms is the Marine Corps dress blues. The Marine dress blue uniform includes a long dark blue coat with a stand collar. The collar includes red trim and gold buttons. Also, Marines wear a white belt with the dress coat.

How do I choose a military branch? ›

When deciding which branch of the military to join, honestly and thoroughly consider your service commitment, enlistment options, salary, travel and future career requirements to make an informed decision about your choice of military service branch.

Who goes to war first? ›

The Marines are often the first on the ground in combat situations, leading the charge when conflict arises. They also serve on Navy ships, protect Naval bases and guard U.S. embassies. Marines patrol during a simulated embassy reinforcement.

Which branch can start war? ›

The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war.

Which military branch is popular? ›

U.S. military force numbers 2021, by service branch and reserve component. The U.S. Army had the highest number of active duty personnel in 2021, with 482,416 troops.

What military jobs do not require basic training? ›

Opportunities for officers exist in many fields including special forces, health care and aviation. Some examples of these military jobs that don't require basic training include attorneys, doctors, nurses, and surface warfare officers.

What is the lowest role in the military? ›

Private (E-1) Private, the lowest Army rank, normally is held only by new recruits while at Basic Combat Training (BCT), but the rank occasionally is assigned to soldiers after a disciplinary action has been taken. The Army private (E-1) wears no uniform insignia.

What branch has the most men? ›

Across all branches of the U.S. military, men were more likely to be officers than women.
Marine Corps19,7201,981
Air Force49,54814,529
Jan 4, 2023

What major is female dominated? ›

Majors included in each of these categories are reported in Table 2. Women tend to major in the Humanities and Languages, but also in Sociology and Psychology and in Biology-related STEM fields. Men tend to major in Business, Social Sciences, non-Biology-related STEM, and Philosophy.

What gender is mostly in the army? ›

Militaries By Gender
Sep 9, 2022

Do you get paid in basic training? ›

Yes, you do get paid in Basic Training on the first and fifteenth of every month. The amount depends on your rank. See salaries by rank on the Money & Pay page. You're welcome to send money home via cash or check.

How hard is it to fail basic training? ›

​Yes, it is possible to fail basic training. You could go through the trouble of leaving your home, job, family and friends and come back a failure. In fact, this happens to about 15% of recruits who join the military every year.

Which branch has shortest basic training? ›

How long is basic training in the U.S. Coast Guard? USCG Recruit Training, or “forming”, is the shortest of any military branch. All in all, it takes approximately 8 weeks to finish Coast Guard boot camp, including in-processing.

Who gets paid the most out of the military? ›

Highest-paying Military Career Jobs
  • Air Crew Officers. ...
  • Aircraft Launch and Recovery Officers. ...
  • Armored Assault Vehicle Officers. ...
  • Artillery and Missile Officers. ...
  • Command and Control Center Officers. ...
  • Infantry Officers. ...
  • Special Forces Officers. ...
  • Military Officer Special and Tactical Operations Leaders.

What military branch accepts felons? ›

It's possible to join the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, or Coast Guard with a felony conviction. With that said, it is an uphill battle. In general, the six branches of the military are looking for candidates with a “sound moral character“. Often, a felony is looked at as a failure to meet that standard.

What is the #1 highest paid position? ›

So, given below is an updated list of the most paid jobs in the world.
  1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ...
  2. Medical Professionals. ...
  3. Corporate Lawyer. ...
  4. Investment Banker. ...
  5. Data Scientist. ...
  6. Project Manager. ...
  7. Senior Software Engineer. ...
  8. Web Developers.
May 9, 2023

Which branch of the military is most competitive? ›

Air Force. The United States Air Force got its start in 1947. This highly competitive branch of the U.S. military maintains a force of over 300,000 members.

What is the lowest paying branch in the military? ›

E-1: $20,340. E-1 is the lowest enlisted rank in the US military: Airman Basic (Air Force), Private (Army/Marine Corps), Seaman Recruit (Navy). Service members usually hold this rank through basic training, and automatically promote to the next rank after six months of service.

Which military branch has the shortest boot camp? ›

How long is basic training in the U.S. Coast Guard? USCG Recruit Training, or “forming”, is the shortest of any military branch. All in all, it takes approximately 8 weeks to finish Coast Guard boot camp, including in-processing.

What military branch moves the most? ›

If you want to travel, every branch of the service has overseas locations and the Navy is probably the most traveled branch of service.

What is the easiest boot camp? ›

Many would say the Air Force. However, it is not exactly a leisurely vacation. Here are highlights of the 'least physically demanding' basic training: Daily PT, with a final test requiring least 50 sit ups, 45 push ups and 1.5 mile run in 11:57 or less.

Which boot camp is the hardest? ›

The Coast Guard has eight weeks designated for boot camp, which is conducted in Cape May, NJ. Many recruits count the first week of Coast Guard training as the most challenging.

Which military service pays the most? ›

The most basic and straightforward answer is that they all pay the same rate. Your basic military pay is determined by designation (enlisted, warrant officer, officer) and rank, not by which branch you serve.

How much money will I make on deployment? ›

Per diem, including payments for incidental expenses, is paid to service members on some deployments. Per diem, designed to cover lodging, meals, and certain incidentals, ranges from $151 per day (inside the continental U.S.) to more than $800 daily (outside the U.S.).

Which branch attacks first? ›

The Marines are often the first on the ground in combat situations, leading the charge when conflict arises. They also serve on Navy ships, protect Naval bases and guard U.S. embassies.

Who gets sent to war first? ›

The Army acts as its own separate unit, while the Marines handle their operations under the guidance of the Navy. The Marines are known for being the first troops to engage in battle, while the Army is prepared to remain in combat for extended periods of time.

What branch does not go to war? ›

Noncombat military jobs that don't see combat typically include those in the information technology, health care, engineering, education, human resources or finance fields.

What military branch is in the most need of recruits? ›

The Army is facing the most acute recruiting problems. The service will will finish fiscal 2022 with about 466,000 active-duty soldiers—10,000 people below target, according to Lt. Gen. Douglas Stitt, the Army's deputy chief of staff for personnel.

What is the shortest military contract? ›

Instead of the standard eight-year contract that you used to have to fulfill with the Air Force, you can now enlist for a period of four years for Active Duty and 2 years for the Guard and Reserves, which is the shortest, standard contract that the Air Force offers to all potential recruits.

Which branch requires the longest boot camp? ›

The Marine Corps has the longest basic training -- 12 weeks, not including four days of in-processing time. Counting the half-week you spend in forming (in-processing), you'll spend a total of seven-and-a-half weeks in Coast Guard basic training at Cape May, (N.J.,) the shortest basic training of all the services.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.