How Does Employee Morale Impact Turnover? (2024)

Every time you need to replace an employee it costs you money in severance pay for the old employee, as well as the cost of hiring and training a new employee. While some employee turnover is an inescapable part of business, some factors, including low morale, can lead to increased employee turnover. Keeping morale high can help you to avoid unnecessary turnover and increase the productivity and loyalty of your employees.

Excuse to Leave

  1. Reference for Business states that some experts feel that low employee morale leads to high turnover by creating an atmosphere where employees look for excuses to leave. In these companies, employees are more likely to quit over issues such as low pay, poor management or feeling unappreciated. High turnover can then lower employee morale further, leading to a downward spiral of increasingly high turnover and lower morale. Employees with higher morale, in contrast, are less likely to leave even if their pay is low.

Role of Management

  1. Managers can have a major impact on employee morale and turnover. Employee satisfaction is closely linked to employees feeling cared for and respected by their supervisors, reports business consultant Dr. Harold (Hap) LeCrone. In companies where employees feel undervalued, helpless or ignored there tends to be lower morale and higher turnover. Managers who are brusque, impersonal or viewed as overly demanding can also have a negative effect on morale. In these situations, employees may feel they are better off elsewhere and may be more likely to actively look for alternative employment.

Pay and Turnover

  1. The role of pay in causing low employee morale and high turnover is debated. Pay is not always a cause of low morale or high turnover, but according to human rights specialists HR Brainbank, it can lead to low morale and high turnover if employees feel undervalued. The study “Overpaid CEOs and Underpaid Managers: Fairness and Executive Compensation,” by James Wade, Charles O'Reily and Timothy Pollock, and published in Organization Science, may back this up. This study found that companies whose CEOs are very highly paid tend to have high turnover and low employee morale. The authors argue this is because the high CEO pay makes other employees feel undervalued and believe they are being treated unfairly.

Improving Morale

  1. There are steps businesses can take to increase employee morale and decrease turnover. The Missouri Small Business and Technology Center notes that some of the most important ways of reducing turnover through boosting morale include having in place adequate training and career development for employees; maintaining open door polices and open communication with management, so employees feel part of the organization; giving employees responsibility and opportunities for advancement; and making sure employees are compensated in line with similar companies. The Center also advises companies to be flexible about addressing employees' concerns. For example, if a number of employees have children, you could consider providing an on-site childcare program.

How Does Employee Morale Impact Turnover? (2024)
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