Make Money With AI Bots: How To Earn $1,000 or More a Month (2024)

Make Money With AI Bots: How To Earn $1,000 or More a Month (1)

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Many people talk about earning money with ChatGPT but there are plenty of other chatbots that exist to help people boost their retirement savings, pay down debt or save for a vacation. AI bots, or chatbots, are a form of artificial intelligence that can speak conversationally. They can answer questions, respond to search queries and provide information from an ever-growing database of knowledge.

But how can you make money with AI bots? Keep reading to learn more.

How To Make Money With AI Bots: 5 Easy Ways

You don’t have to be a large corporation like Apple or H&M to make money with bots. If you own a small business, you can use a custom chatbot to provide customer service to people who visit your website. If you have a Facebook page, you can set up Facebook’s Messenger Assistant to answer questions when people message you.

Perhaps one of the most lucrative ways to make money with bots, however, is to create them for other people and sell them. Here are five simple ways you can monetize AI bots.

1. Build Chatbots for Businesses

Building chatbots for businesses can be lucrative. You can even use ChatGPT to help you write the coding to develop the bots. Best of all, you can earn passive income for managing and adapting the bots as needed.

Businesses need bots for tasks such as:

  • Setting appointments
  • Offering customer service
  • Qualifying leads
  • Answering questions

Good To Know

Businesses use chatbots to make money all the time. Realtors can use chatbots to help set up virtual tours of properties.

Companies use embedded chatbots in social media messenger programs. This helps to qualify leads before bringing in a human salesperson to close a deal.

Clothing retailer H&M uses a chatbot “Virtual Assistant” on its website to steer customers to local stores that carry the items they want.

Make Your Money Work Better for You

2. Sell AI Bot Templates

Some businesses and AI bot developers prefer to use templates to create and customize their bots. If you can create a collection of templates, you can sell each one many times over to generate significant, ongoing passive income.

3. Build AI Bot Plugins

Once you’ve got a steady base of customers for your AI bots and are comfortable with your coding skills, you might want to branch out. You can start to develop and sell plugins or add-ons for your bots.

Maybe a company that originally needed a customer service bot now wants payment processing capabilities. Or perhaps a customer likes the chatbot embedded on their website so much that they want to integrate the same technology into the Facebook or Instagram messenger platforms.

AI bot plugins provide endless possibilities to upsell existing customers as well as to grow your customer base.

4. Create Courses on How To Build, Use and Sell AI Bots

After you’ve got a handle on developing, marketing and selling your bots, you can create courses that teach others how to do the same.

Don’t worry about training your competition; this field is wide open and bot developers are in demand. By helping other entrepreneurs launch their businesses, you are creating a healthy marketplace and raising the visibility of the industry.

5. Create an Auto Stock Trading Bot

Of course, you don’t have to sell your bots to make money. If you have coding skills or know how to develop bots, you can create an auto stock trading bot. Use your bot to help you invest in the stock market and potentially reap the rewards. If you have a successful bot, you can sell it to others interested in trading. Remember, any investment carries risk so don’t trade more than you can afford, even with the best auto stock trading bot.

Make Your Money Work Better for You

ChatGPT vs. AI Bots

AI bots have carved out a niche long before ChatGPT came on the scene. They are often used in social media messaging apps or on websites to help companies provide 24/7 customer service.

Note the difference: ChatGPT is one very specific and sophisticated AI bot with many applications. But ChatGPT is not the only AI bot. In fact, Amazon Alexa, Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant are some of the most well-known AI bots that pre-date ChatGPT.

Making Money Selling Bots: Time and Earnings

You know you can make money selling bots but how much? And where should you market your bots? AI bot developers are listing their services on freelancer platform sites, like Fiverr. Many have advertised their AI chatbots for anywhere from $70 up to $1,000 and beyond. At a glance, most developers charge between $100 to $400 depending on their capabilities and what their bot does.

Not all AI bots can be made quickly though. According to Distinguished, chatbot development can take two to eight weeks. The time might be worth it as they can cost up to $80,000.

Businesses are willing to pay big money for bots because they understand the amount of revenue they can bring into their business. AI bots also save businesses money by reducing the number of customer service reps or phone operators a company might need. One good bot developer, hired on a freelance or contract basis, can take the place of many salaried employees.

While this isn’t great for the employees who have to find new jobs, it offers profitable opportunities to entrepreneurs willing to take the time to learn how to build and sell AI bots.

Make Your Money Work Better for You

Depending on the complexity of the bots and your skillset, you can earn a steady income from making bots. You could even generate some side income by developing simpler bots in a few hours a week.

Final Note

Wondering if AI can make you money? AI, alone, won’t make you money. But it can streamline and simplify many tasks, making it easier for you to earn side income. You’ll still need a healthy dose of creativity, marketing skills and patience to make money with AI bots. Keep in mind that some AI bots will require very little technical expertise, while others require extensive coding capabilities.

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Make Money With AI Bots: How To Earn $1,000 or More a Month (2024)


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Table Of Contents
  1. 1.1 1. Offer Writing Services with AI Writing Tools.
  2. 1.2 2. Develop Apps with AI Coding Tools.
  3. 1.3 3. Manage Paid Advertising with AI.
  4. 1.4 4. Earn as a CRM & Sales Consultant.
  5. 1.5 5. Freelance as a Photo Editor.
  6. 1.6 6. Consult as a Data Scientist.
  7. 1.7 7. Provide AI Chatbots for Businesses.
  8. 1.8 8.
Mar 20, 2024

Can I use AI to make me money? ›

You can use AI to make money. The technology can enable you to create a variety of content you can monetize. You can also make money developing online courses with the help of AI. As your experience with the technology grows, you could even develop a course teaching others how to make money using the technology.

How to make $1000 online monthly? ›

Here are some realistic options!
  1. Freelance writing. Becoming a freelance writer is a lucrative way to produce extra income. ...
  2. Virtual assistant. If you're an organized person, then you could excel as a virtual assistant. ...
  3. Online English tutor. ...
  4. Data entry. ...
  5. Proofreading. ...
  6. Blogging. ...
  7. Social media manager. ...
  8. Resume writer.
Mar 19, 2024

Can a trading bot make you a millionaire? ›

Using cryptocurrency trading bots to become a billionaire is well within the realm of possibility. In any case, keep in mind that the odds of becoming a billionaire are 1 in 5,78,000.

How much does an AI creator make? ›

Ai Developer Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$157,000$13,083
75th Percentile$157,000$13,083
25th Percentile$106,000$8,833

Which is the best AI tool? ›

Trevor AI

This AI tool is a smart organiser that helps you predict the best times to assign certain tasks and helps you be more productive by organizing your to-dos in one place while allowing you to focus on one task at a time.

How do AI artists make money? ›

Sell Prints and Digital Copies of AI Art:

Showcase your AI art creations on online platforms like Etsy, Artstation, or your own website. Offer high-quality prints or digital copies of your artwork, catering to art enthusiasts, collectors, and interior designers.

How to make $10,000 fast? ›

Here are ten ways to make $10k quickly:
  1. Become A Freelancer. Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money quickly. ...
  2. Invest In Cryptocurrency. ...
  3. Participate In Online Surveys. ...
  4. Become A Virtual Assistant. ...
  5. Do Odd Jobs. ...
  6. Create An Online Course. ...
  7. Become An Affiliate Marketer. ...
  8. Sell Your Stuff.

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Passive Income: 7 Ways To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Buy US Treasuries. U.S. Treasuries are still paying attractive yields on short-term investments. ...
  2. Rent Out Your Yard. ...
  3. Rent Out Your Car. ...
  4. Rental Real Estate. ...
  5. Publish an E-Book. ...
  6. Become an Affiliate. ...
  7. Sell an Online Course. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
Apr 18, 2024

How to make millions of dollars? ›

How To Get Rich
  1. Start saving early.
  2. Avoid unnecessary spending and debt.
  3. Save 15% or more of every paycheck.
  4. Increase the money that you earn.
  5. Resist the desire to spend more as you make more money.
  6. Work with a financial professional with the expertise and experience to keep you on track.

How to earn extra $500 per month? ›

Side hustles to make £500 extra a month
  1. Table of contents. Top lucrative side hustles for an additional £500 monthly income. ...
  2. Freelance writing. Freelance writing can be a highly profitable side hustle. ...
  3. Virtual Assistant. ...
  4. Proofread content. ...
  5. Tutoring. ...
  6. Web design. ...
  7. Blogging. ...
  8. Market research.
Mar 7, 2024

How to get $1000 fast? ›

How to make $1,000 fast
  1. Sell stuff you already own.
  2. Deliver food.
  3. Pick up a part-time job.
  4. Rent out unused space.
  5. Start freelance writing.
  6. Try affiliate marketing.
  7. Drive for a ridesharing service.
  8. Find odd jobs.
Jan 17, 2024

Are AI trading bots illegal? ›

Using a trading bot is perfectly legal. At this time, there are no rules or regulations that prohibit retail traders from using trading bots, even though there are some concerns about the effects of automated trading on the markets.

How to use chat gpt to make money? ›

Content Creation and Copywriting. The power of ChatGPT to produce human-like text makes it a powerful tool to earn money through freelancing. You can leverage its skills to create high-quality blog posts, catchy social media captions, compelling articles, and even persuasive copies for marketing material.

How to make money from the AI boom? ›

Consider these possibilities: Develop and sell an AI-powered product or service. Create an AI-powered platform or marketplace. Offer AI training or consulting services.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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