Under what condition, reversible process becomes irreversible? (2024)

Hint: The reversible process can be said as the process in which the products formed are again converted back to the initial reactants. In the case of an irreversible reaction process, the products formed do not form back to reactants. One can see which conditions can be used to alter these processes such as open system or closed system conditions.

Complete answer:
> First of all we will discuss the reaction process types such as reversible process and irreversible process. The reversible reaction process name gives us an idea of the process. In this reaction process, the reactants are converted to products and then the products formed are again converted back to the initial reactants under specific conditions.
> Now let's discuss an example of a reversible process where we will be able to convert it to the irreversible process. Let us take a liquid in a closed system and when we give heat to the liquid, the liquid gets converted to gas particles which is the product. Now as the system is a closed system the gas particles which are still in the closed system are still there and they again can be converted to the liquid phase after cooling down the temperature of the system which makes this reaction a reversible process.
> Now if we conduct the above same procedure in an open system then the gas particles which are the product and that will not be trapped in the system as it is an open system. Hence, even if we lower down the temperature then we can get the initial reactant molecules.
Therefore, the conditions that a reversible process becomes irreversible are:
i) When there is an escape of the gas products through an open system.
ii) If we continuously remove the products formed in the reaction.

For an irreversible process the Gibbs free energy is always a positive value and for a reversible process, the Gibbs free energy value is always zero. In a reversible process, the reaction is always in the thermodynamic equilibrium and in the case of an irreversible process, the thermodynamic equilibrium may be obtained after the reaction completion but not during the reaction process.

Under what condition, reversible process becomes irreversible? (2024)
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